Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus for Bacterial Vaginosis

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Misty (Missouri) on 11/20/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

I just wanted to drop a line to say thanks to all the different women and their posts. I had been dealing with bv for 3 years. Flagyl seemed to fix the problem at first then a few weeks out and another onset. I was really getting angry about this. I read and read and then came across this site. I got up every morning mixed a water and peroxide and douched. I then took 1 acidopholis and 1 folic acid tablet and 1 multivitamin. At night before bed I would douche the same as the a.m. I did this for 2 weeks and BOOM! Problem solved. I still do this everyday and no problems. I am almost 2 months out. I talked to my female dr and she said if it works then continue on. I'm afraid if I don't it will haunt me again. When I say thanks I REALLY mean it! Thank you gals for all the input. I feel like I would still be fighting the battle if it weren't for you.
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P (Memphis, Tn) on 11/04/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

Hi. Ive been suffering from BV for a couple of years on and off. It just wont seem to go away even with prescribed pills. It justs keeps coming back. Now even with the flagyl and metro gel, it wont go away. I just happened up on this site a few days ago and was reading all the posts and decided last night to try the peroxide, folic acid, and acidophilus. I went and bought the ingredients and did the douche this morning with just peroxide and no water and and when I was done I inserted the acidophilus pill into the vagina. I also took one orally and a folic acid. I can say there was a major difference (hence the smell). Its lighter and I dont smell it. I'm so excited and kind of relieved thinking that this remedy will work. I am going to use it for the full 7-10 days and hopefully get this under control. I'll post back after a few to update progress hopefully.
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De (Carolina) on 09/22/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

I have suffered with this in the past few yrs... Antibiotics were prescribed every time.. With no cure.. I tried the peroxide n distilled water.. With the Acidophilus... Which worked... But when I thought I was okay it came bk..... I have recently started the folic acid with vitamin D3... Which is working well for me... No smell / discharge.. Feeling like me again.... After sex recently.. No odor of any kind... Will start the peroxide n water for extra reassurance.. So far so good!!!
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Blessedbeyondmeasure (Michigan) on 08/20/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

First I have to say, I never EVER posts on these sites, but I want to share my testimony! ..... I tried the Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus. I take two folic acids, and 2 acidophilus daily with a multi vitamin and douche once a day with peroxide/water (.50 -.50) and I can honestly say IT WORKED... Patience is the key ladies. If anyone has had BV, it has been me... IT can definetely lower your self esteem. I prayed and stumbled across this site... THIS SITE IS A BLESSING.... Flagyl, Metronidazole was only "Temporary Relief" but this process has been great!!!! And it has promoted me to taking vitamins and becoming more healthy... Drinking lots of water daily also helps... Oh and I switched to a ph balanced wash instead of soap.... THANK GOD, HE ANSWERED MY PRAYERS... PLEASE PLEASE TRY THIS EVERYONE!!
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L (Sacramento, California) on 05/16/2013:
4 out of 5 stars

Ladies, I have some bad news. I tried religiously every cure on here, especially the peroxide, folic acid and acidopholus cure. I thought I had cured it--I had no more symptoms and went to the doctor and she thought I had cured it, too. Then she tested me and nope, I still have it.

When you have BV with no symptoms you still have it, meaning you are far more suspectible to getting other STDs. Meaning if a man who has ever had a cold sore goes down on you, you may end up with herpes. So if you think you've cured your BV, get tested to make sure.

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Bnstdst (Charleston, Wv) on 03/25/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

I found this site about a year ago when I realized no medication was going to cure my BV. Frustrated I started searching home remedies & tried a few with no success! Then I tried the peroxide, acidophilus , & folic acid & it actually worked!! I was VERY skeptical considering all the medication I had taken in the past barely even effected my BV & never made the smell completely go away! I changed my soap, tampons, & pads to unscented & Before bed I used a syringe with half peroxide & half water a few times to flush myself out & crushed a acidphloios pill with like 2 drops of water to make a thick paste & balled it up on the tip of my finger best I could I put it as far inside myself as possible! In the mornings I would take the acidophilous pill orally along with the folic acid & flush myself with the peroxide a few times. I did this for a week but I still orally take the pills & a one a day womens vitamin in hope that it may help the BV from reoccurring! It has been almost a week since my self treatment & still NO SMELL!! I am beyond happy & just pray it stays away!! I am only 25 & have been struggling with this for almost 2 years! I used a lactobacillus acidophilus probiotic with 100 million organisms.

I NEVER post things on websites like this! I just really hope it can help someone else like me! I literally use to cry over this a feel discusting hours after a shower!

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Curedinatl (Atlanta, Ga) on 05/31/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

The following worked for my bv which lasted through 7 consecutive months of alternating gel and pill antibiotics (I pretty much concluded that my period is what triggered the bv each month):

-7 day 1/2 peroxide 1/2 water douche each morning

-acidophilus morning and night while douching and every day for 3 weeks thereafter

-folic acid once a day while douching and daily for 3 weeks after

The key for me was PATIENCE. I was sick of taking/inserting antibiotics for a week every month. I decided to let my body "fix" itself (which it is designed to do) and it did. Yes you'll have to put up with the smell for a while, and so will your partner. It proved to be worth it for me.

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Marina (Grants Pass, Or) on 02/26/2012:
4 out of 5 stars

Back with 6 week report update! This has been an especially frustrating situation to tackle. My brain hurts from researching. I felt like the BV was gone up until 2 days before my period (I started this treatment the day after my last period ended). I have become paranoid and am constantly doing scent checks, odor shifted right before my period & my period had a slightly unpleasant odor but better than past months. Since I felt off, I put tea tree oil on my tampons before inserting them, I just could not handle pads again this month. T. T. Oil made me feel more 'sterile' & like I had some extra bacterial protection inside. 2 days after my period ended I could smell fish malodor. It was VERY faint but it was there. I did 2 nights of H2O2 douches followed by vaginal probiotic insertion. I also switched back to my original probiotics after trying the Fem kind and feel better about these. No odor and I am having sex again. I am inserting a probiotic after sex and still taking a probiotic orally daily. I am still taking all my supplements daily.

1) The femdolphlius noticeably did not work for me as a Vag. Insert. Maybe it was not active when it arrived??? I'm not sure but I know switching back to a different version by the same compay purchased cold locally has a better effect on me.

2) I just started having sex again last week and I can absolutely tell his DNA is THE contributing factor to this issue. So as long as I am with him I feel I will have to be hyper-vigilant about maintaining my V-flora balance.

3) To PREVENT REOCCURRENCE: I came across an interesting remedy note today, it suggested that menstruation is the time when the flora and pH gets askew especially in women with V-infections. I experienced this. The note on prevention referred to using boric acid capsules vaginally as a method of killing all bacteria, like an anti-biotic. I believe the H2O2 douche does the same exact thing. The note suggested using the boric acid capsules vaginally at night during your period for four months along with taking pro-b's and all the other stuff mentioned here. I used the tea tree oil on my tampons with the same intention: to not allow the bacteria to get out of hand because I noticed the environment had noticeably shifted. The important remedy notation is: you should bump up your treatment during your period at least for 4 months after starting this treatment. If you are already following this method then it would be a good idea to do a bacterial house cleaning at the end of your period (H2O2 douche V. Inserted probiotics for a couple days) for four consecutive months.

I started treatment 6 weeks ago. I don't feel cured but I feel like I have more control over it now & that eventually I will rebalance my flora & now know how to manage it better going forward and no what is going on and am aware of the signs of unbalanced. I have been mostly odor-free for the entire time even during and after sex, so far!


Marina (Grants Pass, Oregon) on 01/28/2012:
4 out of 5 stars

I want to thank everyone for all of their posts. It's too bad people don't actually follow up after a "24 hour miracle cure". I would like to know more about long-term results.

I am 43 years old and only just found out about this BV - I feel terribly about all the mean thoughts I've ever had in a public restroom over the years. CLEARLY, you do know when you smell that badly. It is horrible to be stinky from your V. One thing that surprised me is, I have had a terrible phobia of having odor 'down there' because of a girl I knew in college. When BV took over my life and sex life, my WORST fear came true, only worse because my stench was far nastier then I ever imagined was possible. It made me gag one night after sex and I had to wonder, how in the world does my bf even want to get near that foul grossness ? ? ? ? He never complained once and it honestly does not bother him like it does me.

One thing I have noticed in the posts is that I think too many people, like with antibiotics, stop too soon when then notice results. It is bacteria you are trying to manipulate so it is very much like antibiotic treatment and needs to be followed for 7-10 consecutive days. The study people reference is a peroxide solution douche 1 time per day for 7-10 days. This is the treatment time I am going to follow.

After you do the peroxide wash, wait a few minutes and then insert a high quality probiotic. Do not use flavored wafers or anything that contains sugar, read the ingredients. The first time I used a pro-b I had on hand. The capsule is thick and it basically stuck to the side of my who-ha, I did not like this. I found the refrigerated kind have thinner gel caps that break down more readily and don't stick or cause grittiness. I like to sterilize a needle and poke several pinholes into the capsule so that I know it is releasing faster through the capsule. I insert it as far as I can. I do a 50/50 peroxide solution wash at night only and insert 1 probiotic 5 minutes later. I insert another pro-B in the morning. I'm all about organic cotton panty liners at the moment.

I also started taking a high quality, easily digestible pre-natal once-a-day multi-vitamin that can be taken without food. It does not make me sick like others. It has 800 mg of Folic Acid, probiotics & other goodies. It is a great multi-vitamin in general for women no matter what your fertility interests are. It will not hurt you in anyway if you are not pregnant or post menopause. For the 10 days treatment I am taking 1 vitamin in the am & pm and I am also taking 1 capsule of a refrigerated 10 billion, 6 strain probiotic orally twice a day. I intend to drop down to 1 a day for the vitamin & probiotic after the 10 remedy phase. I have actually been wanting to add both of these daily but I just didn't stick with it. NOW, I especially have reason to stick with it.

My diet is very healthy and I still got BV. I believe somehow when my bits mix with my man's bits (DNA, sweat, skin cells) it somehow creates some kind imbalance inside me or an acid???? I say acid because of the burning/itching feeling after sex. Neither of us has an STD.

I started the process only 4 days ago. So far so good. I'm posting now because I wanted to add my tips and observations. I feel grateful because the man is gone for one month so I have time to rebalance and not get my new environment distrubed. I think you must abstain from sex during your treatment. You have to get the upper hand on the bacteria and sex just keeps encouraging replenishing the bad environment.

I plan to use the syringe with a weaker solution after sex in the future when I go pee. It's probably a good idea to toss a pro b up there once in awhile for maintenance as well if this is a reoccurring problem. If you ever use a syringe type thing, (needle without a needle) be sure to go S-L-O-W-L-Y & don't force the plunger. You will create too much pressure & can possibly push the infection up higher by blasting in the solution with force. You want to slowly flood the V-canal with the solution and let it do its thing for a few minutes then release it. I put a towel in the bathtub and lay back with my legs up.

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Kimberley (Troy, Ny) on 11/15/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

LOOK NO FURTHER!!! All of these posts really have it right! After a year of continually dealing with bacterial vaginosis and taking every antibiotic they make for it (multiple times! ) I had really given up. Then I decided to take the situation into my own hands and try some homeopathic remedies, which led me to this site. I decided to try the Hydrogen peroxide, Acidophilus, and Folic acid regimen. First I went to the drug store and bought a summer's eve douching kit, a few bottles of hydrogen peroxide, and folic acid. My routine for the first 2 weeks went as follows:

Fill the douching kit with half luke warm water and half hydrogen peroxide. After taking a shower use the douche in the morning, then again before going to bed.

Take Folic acid 800 mg once a day, I chose to do mine in the morning

Take acidophilus twice a day, once in the morning, and once in the evening. Try to keep the times consistent, Ex: 9am every day and 9pm everyday

To my surprise and GREAT delight, this actually took care of my problem!! I felt a difference after the first day of doing my regimen and really could not believe it. I would recommend staying away from any sexual activity for the time period that you are doing this. I gave myself about 2 weeks before having sex again. Surprisingly it was pain free and enjoyable just like before I had the infection. If you are worried about being intimate simply use the hydrogen peroxide douche after sex and that should make you feel fresh again. I would recommend this to anyone struggling with this problem!

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