Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus for Bacterial Vaginosis

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Toya (District of Columbia, DC, USA) on 11/06/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I am happy to report that the HP douche, along with the Acidophilus and Folic Acid has completely CURED my BV!!!! I said I would report back after my first trial and I have yet to see any symptoms of BV since then. My boyfriend and I are doing great - and having lots of sex with no problems! Just to be on the safe side, I occasional pop 1 Billion CFU of acidophilus and 1600 mg of Folic Acid every blue moon! Bacterial Vaginosis is a MONSTER and it sucks that women have to deal with this horrible ailment. But Earth Clinic has been such a Godsend for many women! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I'd probably still be suffering with that awful smell and popping antibiotics to this day if it were not for this site...

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Crystal (Houston, Tx) on 10/31/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I tried the Hydrogen peroxide douche, started taking (2) 400mcg folic acid pills, one in am and one pm, and (2) 500mill acidophilus pills, one in am and one pm. 24 hours later I felt 80% better. The smell, discharge, and discomfort had all but vanished. Only douched once, didn't want to risk a yeast infection. Continued the pill regime and after a few days feel 100% better. Still a little discomfort after sex, not during, though with a good lubricant even that's not an issue. Hope everyone finds what helps their body get rid of this horrible bug!

Tryinyo Help (St. Louis, MO) on 10/25/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Like alot of women on this website, I developed bv and couldnt figure out why. I have been married and with the same man for 13 years. I figured out that I had bv from the symptoms online. I saw my doctor and she prescibed the metrogel. It went away and 2 months later it was back. I went back online to find that this happens to almost everyone who uses the prescriptions for bv. I started with all the home remedies. Peroxide douche, folic acid, acidophilus pills, yogurt, etc. Nothing helped. The peroxide helped temporarily. Then I saw a womens story on womens-health.com and she found this acidophilus liquid that she inserted vaginally and it worked. The acidophilus is the good bacteria that is supposed to be present in your vagina. For some reason, either a ph imbalance or an introduction of bad bacteria somehow, they dwindle and ph goes up. The acidophilus naturally produces hydrogen peroxide that keeps the bad bacteria at bay. So what I did was bought repHresh 3 day gel that balances pH. I let it do its thing for one day. Then, at night before bed, I douched with 1/2 peroxide and 1/2 purified water, took a shower and washed my genitals with pH balanced intimate wash. I had already spent more than I could afford on home remedies, so I couldnt go buy the acidophilus liquid, so I used the acidophilus capsules(2 billion). I took a small needleless syringe, like the ones they give small children for liquid medicine, filled it with purified water, and opened the acidophilus capsule and put half in the syringe. A word of advice, and I found out the hard way,there are fillers in these capsules that are gritty and sandlike and are very uncomfortable and also cause a rash. So once you get the pill in the syringe, put the plunger in the syringe and hold it upright with the injector pointed down. Then shake it, thump it, and let those fillers settle and squeeze them out. Do this repeatedly until its all out. You may still see some particles floating in it, but youre not gonna get all of those. Just get the bulk of it out. Then lay in bed with a towel underneath you and slowly insert the syringe vaginally and slowly inject it. Then go to sleep. I did this for 3 days and the bv irritation and odor was completely gone! It sounds so strange to do, but I was desperate. The metrogel kills all bacteria, including the good, so its easy for the bad bacteria to mulitply when the peroxide producing good bacteria isnt plentiful, thats why it always comes back. I didnt want to go through it again. I plan on doing this regimen once every week or so, just to keep it from coming back. This is the only thing that worked for me and I really hope it helps for others. Try the folic acid and oral acidipholus first, it works for a lot of women, but if it doesnt, this works.
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Janet (Woodbridge, NJ) on 10/22/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Well, here I am with my latest update. My period is finally gone & it seems the BV is going away as well. The smell is gone, but I still have a little bit of discharge, although is now white not yellowish & no smell (which make a big difference!!). I am gonna keep taking my pills, I am gonna start taking a one a day vitamin as well...I read that that helps as well. I will start eating more yogurt too.

I wanted to try the tampon with yogurt, but i dont know how to do that. As soon as you add something liquid to a tampon it starts to blow up! So, if anyone has done this before a little advise will be great.

I am gonna wash myself with some peroxide after sex, to try to keep this monster away from me!...

I am feeling much better now. Although is not completely gone, I feel I am making a big progress. I hope with a little time, it will be completly gone!

Thanks everyone for this site!!

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Vita (Riverside , CA) on 10/21/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

OMG!! thanks for this website..

I am so glad that I came across this website. I too was at my wits end I did not want to visit the doctors and have them prescribe the same thing as before only to get the symptoms once again. Well to my delight I am happy to report that the folic acid along with the perixode does work. I take 2 400mg of folic acid in the morning, I also take 2 acidoph.caplets in the morning. I also did 3 days of the 50% purified water/50% 3%peroxide douche with 2 acidoph.caplets mixed in and no smell or itch. YAAAAA!!

Once again thanks!!


Elanor (Dover, Delaware) on 10/18/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been suffering through Bacterial Vaginosis ever since I got an I.U.D. inserted. Up until I found this site today I always assumed that you could only cure this condition with antibiotics. Thanks to your wonderful site I know better now!! I'm starting a folic acid and acidophilus treatment and have used the 50/50 peroxide and water douche, with gratifyingly quick results!!! I will continue the treatment for another few days and report back, but I think everything is finally going to be o.k. Thank you a thousand times over for your wonderful, informative site!! I'm taking 300 mg of the acidophilus and 400mcg of the folic acid, once in the morning and once at night. If adjustments are needed I will make them accordingly. Overall I give this site and this cure two very enthusiastic thumbs up!!!!

Relieved! (Tampa, FL) on 10/17/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I Fixed It!

I'm soooo happy I found this site because I do not have Health Insurance and I found myself wasting money going to the doctor only to be told over and over again that I have BV. So I followed the advice I read and it worked. We all should know that douching too much is not healthy at all so I was not trying to douche for 7 days. Here is what worked for me! (I did catch this outbreak before it had a chance to get out of control, because I know my body.)

Day 1
1/2 purified water, 1/2 peroxide, the contents of 2 opened acidophilus capsules in a douche
The first time I did the douche I also smeared dannon plain yougurt all over my outer walls. I also inserted an acidophilus wafer into my canal after the first doche.
Result, no itching, no smell just the strawberry smell of the acidophilus wafer : )

*****I also make a point to eat yogurt at least once a day (if you don't like yogurt try dannon vanilla)
I also take at least 5 adicophilus pills thru out the day and at least 4 folic acid. I will continue to eat the Yogurt and take the pills to keep my PH in check*****

Day 2
1/2 purified water, 1/2 peroxide, the contents of 2 opened acidophilus capsules in a douche.
Result, fresh and clean feeling. By day 2 I also stopped sleeping with panties on I wanted to let the area air out****

Day 3
1/2 purified water, 1/2 peroxide, the contents of 2 opened acidophilus capsules in a douche.
At this point, it was ok but not quite perfect, my discharge was still creamy but not smelly. So what I started to do is to clean myself using the finger method, no soap and all of this together seems to have cured me!!****

I stopped the douche after 3 days and I continue to use the finger method for cleaning I will be using Dove sensitive skin soap to clean the area and continue the pills and yougurt routine. I will also shower when ever common sense tells me I should in addition the the regular one a day. It worked for me, so I hope this helps somebody else. Good Luck!!


Rox (Denver, CO) on 10/14/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Cure for BV = H202, Folic Acid and Acidophilus

yes Yes Yes this remedy works!!!! I have been battling BV for about 5 years and I have been prescribed every treatment you can think of they always seemed to be a temporary cure. It always comes back!!! Finally I cam eacross EarthClinic.com and read about the hydro peroxide/folic acid and ACIDOPHILUS treatment. I was skeptical at first because I have also tried many "natural remedies" and vitamins with NO SUCCESS!!! But I figured I had nothing to lose.

I mixed 50/50 of water and hydro peroxide in a clean empty douche bottle. I did three flushes. Then I took 800 mg of Folic Acid and 100 mg of ACIDOPHILUS by mouth. And guess what????? The results were amazing. Both the odor and discharge associated with BV was gone within just a few hours!!!!!!!! It was amzing I do this ritual one every two weeks along with a capsule of ACIDOPHILUS anda capsule of folic acid every morning and still havent had a recurrance of BV!!! I recommend this treatment to anyone who suffers from BV as I once did.

Thank you Earth Clinic!!!


Janet (Woodbridge, NJ) on 10/02/2008:
3 out of 5 stars

Worked Temporarily

Hi There! I have bought the Acidophilus & Folic Acid and also I did the douche mix with 50% water & 50% peroxide. It worked excellent! I did it sunday & today is Thursday. I did the douche on sunday then on wednesday, but i noticed today I have a little bit of discharge (whiter than it used to) & the smell is different. What i dont undestand is that i had no smell or discharge until today since sunday!...Should i be douching more? How long should i do that for? I am taking 2 Acidophilus pills (10mg each) & 2 Folic acids (800mcg each). Should I take more of each? PLEASE, IF SOMEONE COULD HELP ME I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATED!!

Lisa (Fayetteville, AR) on 09/29/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Bacterial Vaginosis Nightmare: Found this website about a week ago and went immedietly to the health food store and purchased the folic acid and acidopholis (sorry about spelling) I take one capsule of each morning and night and am doing the hydrogen/distilled water douche by irrigation syringe every so often and after sex. I have suffered for many embarrassing years and I am so happy to report this is working! Thank you so much for this site!!
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