Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus for Bacterial Vaginosis

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Flaca (Atlanta, GA) on 07/16/2009
4 out of 5 stars

I have suffered from BV for 2 years, since I started with my last boyfriend/ husband. The smell came and I got treated for a "dis "ease" ". The clinic told me at 55 that I didn't know how to wipe. Puleeez. Anyway the antibiotic caused a yeast infection and the cure for the yeast infection brought back the BV. It did not start until I started having sex bareback. I thought it was me. It was soooo awful. My daughter turned me on to the site. I cried. So many other women were having the same issue. It works, but you must maintain a regimen. 1/2 water and 1/2 peroxide. I take 1 billion acidophilus, and 1mg presciption strength folic daily. After about 4 days, the smell, itching, is gone. I find this is the key. You have to douche, once every 2/4 weeks, but you have to maintian taking the pills. They will not harm you. I slipped off the wagon (stopped taking or doing anything) and it came back. I have started again and have been free for 6 months. I will take the pills. The smell, irritation are so unbearable. Good luck

SS (Shelbyville, TN) on 06/23/2009
4 out of 5 stars

I have suffered from BV for about 10 years. I didn't know what it was. I also suffered from UTIs. I divorced my husband and I no longer get the UTIs but still have the BV. I thought the smell just went along with the UTI. I was too embarrassed to ask the doctor about this so I researched my problem and found this website. What a blessing!! I started taking 1 tablet acidophilus and 1 folic acid 800mcg in the morning and evening for a week. I also did the 1/2 water 1/2 hydrogen peroxide douche for the first two mornings. After the second day, the smell and discharge was GONE!!! The biggest test for me was when I finally had sex again. No smell! After a week, I stopped taking the pills. I figured I was cured. It's been over a month. The BV did seem to try to come back. I have found that I need to take 1 acidophilus and 1 folic acid pill every day to maintain. Also, after sex I use the hydrogen peroxide douche. Thank you for this website and to all the ladies that shared their stories!

Lisa (Brooklyn, NY) on 05/20/2009
4 out of 5 stars

Thank you ALL for posting your stories you have helped more women than you'll ever know. I have suffered with BV for over 10 years. One night while searching yet again for a cure to stop the embarrassing odor and discharge I discovered you all. After reading what felt like every single post until my eyes were red and burning (I'm not kidding) I couldn't believe this was such a common problem and when I went to my Gyno. she kept prescribing things that did not work. I've tried creams, gels, pills you name it nothing worked it always came back with a vengeance.So after reading the post here I went to the 24hr. supermarket and bought the folic acid and peroxide. I already had the Acidophilus.
Immediately I took a loading dose of folic acid 1600mg. and the acidophilus (orally)did the hydrogen peroxide 3% solution, 1/2 water 1/2 peroxide.

When I woke up I was so happy I could have cried. There was absolutely no discharge, not the slightest hint of that foul odor that had been present for so long. IT WAS FINALLY GONE!

Curiosity got the better of me approx. 1 week later so I grabbed a plastic glove and inserted my finger like the Gyno does. Well to my surprise; the discharge was there. It was as thick but no smell.

So to date I've tried:

1. Folic Acid + hydrogen peroxide 3% solution + Acidophilus (ORALLY) = No Smell No Discharge BUT a large amount of discharge remains inside

2. Folic Acid + hydrogen peroxide 3% solution + Acidophilus (Internally)= No Smell No Discharge BUT Grit from the acidophilus left inside m.

3. Folic Acid + hydrogen peroxide 3% solution = No Smell No Discharge BUT a large amount of discharge remains inside.

Has anyone discovered a formula to completely get rid of the accumulation which remains inside? Also must the douche be done everyday?
Please if anyone has any thoughts on what might work please share your thoughts.
I have no one I can discuss this with. Thank you all in advance.


Gina (Pensacola, FL) on 03/02/2009
4 out of 5 stars

Hello friends/sisters in BV,

like everyone else, i have suffered with BV for about 12 years and have gone through all the antibiotic treatments, without a cure. Until i found this site, i had always felt alone and that no one could understand me, not even my sisters or bestfriends..it was my dirty secret, i was in tears when i found this site and read other stories of never being able to spontaneously have sex with anyone, always douching, always wearing tampons because of the disgusting discharge and odor...but then i found this site about 3 months!!!THANK GOD...I bought the folic acid and acido pills AND I douched with the peroxide AND betadine...i went for an all out assault and attack against my vagina!!!!! It was a miracle, i was clean and fresh for the first time in over 10 years....i am not completely cured of this plague BUT...the foul odor is completely gone, the discharge is minimal, and the only thing that i do to maintain this is to take the folic acid and acidophilus pills AND perform the douche..once every 2 weeks...AND I'M HAPPY !!! Like other women, i notice that it is worst during my menstrual, so i always do this afterwards. THANK YOU SO MUCH TO EVERYONE WHO HAS SHARED HER STORY....
Gina in Florida


Toya (District of Columbia, District of Columbia) on 09/24/2008
4 out of 5 stars

I'm a 29 year old woman who has always been the picture of health. I had a case of BV about 5 or 6 years ago and after finally ruling out a yeast infection, I went to a physician who prescribed Flagyl - it worked and my BV was gone! Now here almost six years later - that nasty little monster of an infection pops up again! I've been in a monogamous relationship with my boyfriend for the last 2 years now. We had sex all the time for a year and a half before this BV popped up just randomly. I thought maybe it was because we were having oral sex and the germs in his mouth was causing it, but again, we've been having sex for well over a year and never any problems before. In June of this year, the BV came on. Because it had been years since I had it, I got really worried and started considering all kinds of things like maybe an STD. Not only was the BV making me not want to have sex because of the awful smell, I was becoming suspicious of my boyfriend and thought maybe he'd been cheating on me or something. Well, I dealt with the BV for about a month and a half because I didn't have health insurance at the time and could afford a doctor's visit. I tried all kinds or over the counter meds and I had become so stressed and depressed because the smell had plagued me. During this time I even broke it off with my boyfriend because I just wasn't sure that it wasn't an STD. I was taking 2 and 3 showers, constantly changing my panties and I dreaded going around people. Finally in August, I started a new job and got health insurance! I didn't wait any longer and got in to see a MD as soon as I could. After the pelvic exam, they ruled out any possibility whatsoever of any STD - and what a relief that was - and also said that there was no yeast present in my vagina. It was good news for me because that meant it could only have been BV and so the doctor prescribed me Flagyl again since it worked so well 5 years ago.

So I took the Flagyl for 7 days and what do you know - the BV was gone! I was so incredibly happy because I had dealt with this for almost two months with no real cure. I also rekindled things with my boyfriend - since I obviously had jumped to conclusions and dumped him for nothing! Even though I never told him why I broke it off, I vowed to myself to make it right. So 3 weeks after I'd finished the Flagyl and was completely cured, I planned this HUGE -makeup party- for my boyfriend and I - complete with dinner, champagne and lots of sex that night! Two days later - THAT HORRIBLE, ATROCIOUS MONSTER was back!!! I was livid and so depressed. I thought I had gotten rid of that sucker, like last time. I couldn't believe it! At this point I was desperate - so later that day, I turned to the internet to find ANYTHING that would help. I knew I wouldn't want to have sex with this infection plaguing me and my boyfriend and I had just started to get back on track. What could I tell him this time? Also, there was no way I was going to feel like I couldn't go around co-workers, friends or anyone else without being self conscious of that smell. I happen to run across this site, read through tons of comments on how the HP douche, folic acid and acidophilus worked wonders - so I was willing (and desperate). I got a refill of Flagyl just to be on the safe side and started taking those immediately. I also ran to CVS and got the HP (3%), folic acid and acidophilus- along with some Summer's Eve douche (just for the bottle). I went home that night and took 1600mg of folic acid and 1 billion CFU of acidophilus. I think poured out the Summer's Eve douche and filled the empty bottle with 1 part HP and the rest water. I douched once that night - and when I woke up the next morning- no foul odor, no discharge. I'm using this remedy along with my Flagyl so I'm sure the BV will be gone in a few days. However, the douche worked INSTANTLY for the discharge and smell!!! I'm confident that the supplements will keep the BV from coming back, at least that's what I'm hoping. The true test for me is the LONG TERM effect and we'll see after the next time I have sex. I'll report back and let you know - but in the meantime, thanks so much for all the comments about this problem! It's such an embarrassing thing to deal with and talk about, even to you doctor. I just wish I'd know about this months ago when my BV first came back, instead of costly prescriptions and co-pays. They should get the FDA in on this remedy because this is a more natural and safer remedy. I think the results will be far better than popping antibiotics after each infection. Thanks everyone - glad to know I wasn't alone in dealing with this :o)


Angela (Conshohocken, PA) on 07/06/2008
4 out of 5 stars

Suffered from BV for MANY years now; tried EVERYTHING from the doctors over the years & found this site 2 days ago. Bought acidophilus, hydrogen peroxide, & prenatel vitamins for the folic acid. (Around here anything over 1 MG is RX; the vitamins have 800 MCG'S in them.) Do you ladies need a rx for the FOLIC ACID?

I douched with the hydrogen peroxide (2 part HP, 1 part water) & it burned good for about 30 SECONDS but definately worth it.) Am I supposed to do this weekly?)

2 billion active cultures in these acidophilus pills. (I'll update on progress as weeks go by.)

Total time I've been suffering with this: 16 years :-(

I'm glad you ladies shared your stories, cures... FYI: gargle with a little bit of peroxide before brushing your teeth. It is a miracle whitener. The ONLY reason I was brave enough to try this is because I DO gargle with it however it NEVER burned my mouth.)

Any feedback would be sincerely appreciated. Thanks again for all of you just being here!


Reka (Charlotte, NC) on 06/05/2008
4 out of 5 stars

It is now day five and still a lil discharge not a lot and the smell is gone......but my question is. Is this normal to have just a little even by day five.....should it be completely gone?Thanks again to all you ladies how this has helped alot....cause the symtoms have subsided alot.

Lynn (Akron, OH) on 03/21/2008
4 out of 5 stars

I've suffered from BV for about three and a half months now I tried all the usual suspects, flagyl, metronidazole, in pill and gel, and nothing worked. I also around that time was diagnosed with low risk HPV. I had BV once before, a long time ago and it responded well to the antibiotic treatments, but this time, no go. I'm inclined to think that its because of my HPV, anybody else thought of this? If not, get checked for it...now to the current home remedies I'm trying...I'm doing the full 3% hydro peroxide douches, which knocks out the odor really well, but I haven't been doing it long enough to see if its making any difference, I'll keep everyone posted. I'm also doing a round of supplements, including folic acid, acidophilus bifidus capsules, as well as echinacea (more for the HPV than anything else) and alternating days with my WOmen's 1 a day supplements. I'm also looking into Goldenseal, its a little pricey, but I'll try anything at this point. Doctors are stupid and make you feel stupid, so I'll do anything not to deal with that. Hope it all works, and hope I helped, I'll keep you all posted!!!!

Latima (Atlanta, GA) on 03/01/2008
4 out of 5 stars

Hello to all, I have been suffering from BV for 5 years now. Antibiotics will make it go away but i hate the way flagl tastes and metro is cool but both will cause me to have a yeast infection :( I started taking probiotics to not have a yeast infection and that worked while I was on the flagl.

The only thing that makes me get bv is having sex without a condom. I don't mind condoms but sometimes you get into a moment where you dont use them. For a while now I have stop tub baths and using perfumed soaps wich I am sure would cause BV too! What a hassle this thing is. I came across this site looking for a natural cure b/c I am soo sick of going to the doctors when I know for sure what the problem is. Today after reading everything on the site I am trying the folic acid (2/800 mg), Hydrogen Peroxide and h2o(50/50)and probiotics (14 billion). I pray that is works and if it does ill be sooooo happy!!!! Ill be back to let you guys know how it went.

Incidentally I have been trying to increase my alkiline with ACV/no baking soda and greens mix. Im am trying to cut back on sugar but its hard and I have learned that artificial sweeteners are acidic and bad for BV suferers trying to keep their PH right.


Emma (St. Louis, Missouri) on 02/29/2008
4 out of 5 stars

I found out in December that I had Chlamydia and I was pissed (because I pretty much knew that my ex gave it to me!). My OB-Gyn gave me Azythromycin, which cleared up the infection. But I was still having alot of this odd-smelling white/yellow discharge (that smelled like fish after my husband and I would have sex). My doc said it was just my body changing (I had a miscarriage in March 2007). I didn't believe that so I kept pestering him about it and he took a swab and we found out I had BV. My doc prescribed Metrogel. That didn't work very well, it seemed to lessen the discharge but it would come back and there would still be a lot! And the smell? I'm clean person and I feel like I could smell it eveywhere I went. Plus, I know my hubby loves me and I hate for him to have to deal with this . . . it's not that bad, but it sure isn't a nice smell. And I would have to wear pads
EVERY DAY to try and mask the smell and because the discharge would soak my underwear(goopy, nasty!)
So I have been searching for natural cures because I don't want to wear my body out with antibiotics (I try to stay away from meds as much as possible).
Well, today is my first day trying the folic acid, acidophilis and 3% hydrogen . . . I'm going to keep up with this and pray that it works because I have seen the positive responses from others. I had all this goopy stuff come out after I did the 3% hydrogen douiche. Did anyone else have that?
'To add to this, my hubby is being to supportive and he's telling me it's going to work :)
I'm also taking cranberry juice and pills and lots of water because along with the BV and Chlamydia, I kept getting UTIs and the antibiotics were NOT working! The cranberry juice is helpiing! I am having no pain in my bladder! Yes!
Another thing . . . My doc told me that BV was harmless, right? YEAH, RIGHT! I did a lot of research that BV can cause complications with pregnancy and has occured alongside premature births and low-birthweight babies. I don't know what other problems BV could cause. Anyways, pray that this works for me . . . I want it to be gone because makes me self-conscious! I want to be clean! And . . .me and my hubby are hoping to conceive soon . . . keep in your prayers.
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