12 Proven Natural Remedies for Acne

Modified on Sep 17, 2023

Adults and teens alike can suffer from the vexing problem of acne. Sometimes a simple natural remedy like apple cider vinegar will solve the problem easily. Other times the answer is more complicated depending on the cause of acne. Even so, home treatments including vitamin supplements, dietary changes, and hormone balancing can be combined to bring long-awaited relief to those with acne.

12 Natural Remedies for Acne

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a simple and inexpensive cure for acne that works very well for many people. It can be used internally and externally for acne.  When used topically, apple cider vinegar fights bacteria, supports the natural acidic nature of the skin and can shrink pores. Used internally, apple cider vinegar helps to alkalize the body and supply probiotics to the system.

2. Turmeric

Turmeric is a blood purifying herb that is also anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. If antibiotics have worked to relieve your acne, it is possible that turmeric would as well. Turmeric is taken internally for acne. 1-3 capsules can be taken twice a day, or ½ teaspoon can be added to some milk and taken as “golden milk.” Turmeric should be taken with plenty of water to avoid constipation. Turmeric is especially helpful when used with vitamin C.

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    List of Remedies for Acne