Diet Changes to Cure Acne

Treatment and Dosages

Whether teen or adult or anywhere in between, no one enjoys dealing with acne. But, if we are really honest with ourselves, everyone has to endure the effects of this frustrating skin condition at one point or another. While treating acne can be particularly difficult, a number of naturally based remedies can help, and making small diet changes can have an especially successful effect. Consider making one of these 5 dietary changes to help eradicate your acne.

The Problem with Traditional Treatments

While there are a number of "known" treatments on the market today, many of those treatments are minimally effective at best. Many traditional treatments, like cleansers and creams, contain harsh chemical treatments that dry the skin and leave it more damaged than corrected. These damaging products leave the skin agitated and undernourished, which results in recurrent breakouts and even scarring.

Dietary Changes to Cure Acne

It is often said, "You are what you eat." We feel this is true on a number of levels, but we know it particularly holds true when it comes to the skin. Whether the amount of oil you are consuming is translating into a higher prevalence of oil on your skin or if the gluten that you are consuming is irritating your body from the inside out, you can clear up any and all of these skin issues with a few simply dietary tweaks.

1. Limit/Eliminate Sugar

Many individuals experience glucose-related acne. Eliminating any added sugar from your diet can help eliminate acne as well.

2. Eradicate Gluten

It is a known fact that gluten can have a particularly adverse effect on the body if an individual is gluten intolerant. Try eliminating gluten from your diet to see if this could be a factor contributing to your acne woes.

3. Eliminate Processed Foods

Processed foods contain a variety of additives that are hard on the system and may be contributing to skin irritation and acne.

4. Avoid Dairy

Dairy is a known inflammatory food group. Cut cheese, milk, and all other sources of dairy out of your diet to limit inflammation in your body.

5. Drink Water

One of the single most effective dietary changes you can make is increasing your water intake. This change helps improve the natural balance of your body and helps to eliminate toxins, making your body and your skin function more effectively.

Making many of these changes may seem drastic, so you'll want to try to make one change at a time. Be thoughtful about the process and determine what you think will work best for your body and work from there.

Continue reading below for more dietary suggestions from our readers to cure acne!

Acne - Table of Contents

Acne Remedies