Ted's Remedies

Question by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 04/27/2009

Swine Flu: There was an interesting case of a woman going to the butcher to buy a pig, that was somehow infected and had a very high fever for the entire family of only three people and have already recovered. The symptoms appear to be a swine flu. Unfortunately most antiviral drugs didn't work. What did work was three things, and in the order of importance is lysine, BHT, and alkalization. In this particular influenza A(H1N1) swine flu the temperature went very high, about 105 degrees Fahrenheit to 106 so obviously one of the person in the family was clearly dying. The dose used was 1200 mg of Lysine, 1000-1500 BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) and 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda plus 1/2 teaspoon of potassium citrate. Within less than an hour the Swine flu for the family disappeared almost entirely. The symptoms were extreme fatigue, very high body temperature, chills, and a relatively resistant to most antiviral therapy and other known marketed cold remedy. It should be noted that there is another virus, called fish flu that has infected a salmon fish farm in Scotland causing thousands of fishes to die or had to be killed and causing a minor pandemic in England. Both had the H1N1 signature. The remedy in more detail is the the 1200 mg to 1500 mg of Lysine needs to be taken about 2 hours apart (just to be sure) for three times. The BHT seems to be an important one which is a bit different from the usual virus 2009 I mentioned in the last posting. The BHT used was 1000 - 1500 mg of BHT and perhaps twice a day. As to the alkalization remedy, that's 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda plus 1/2 teaspoon of potassium ctrate in 1/2 glass of water. A more effective remedy in alkalization appears to be 1/2 teaspoon of trisodium citrate(common name sodium citrate) and 1/2 teaspoon of potassium citrate. My own experience is that they are fast, agressive and very high fever. But interestingly it backs down very quickly within an hour with just lysine, BHT and alkalization. This peculiar Swine flu doesn't respond much to zinc. Of course, that's just only from my experience!

In event of a runny nose from swine flu. I used only 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt in 1/2 glass of water. There was some problems with the swine flu. I haven't yet tried the hydrogen peroxide drops in water as the Swine flu receded to quickly after Lysine, BHT and alkalization stopped in in about an hour. At least the serious condition went away within an hour.



Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 04/27/2009

A local Chinese herbal tablets, called Ganmaoling won't work. It makes things worse against a class of H1N1 type viruses. It's only the lysine, BHT, and alkalization that seems to be working so far. Media seems to be a bit slow on the pandemic side, I found it to be pandemic since the late of 2008, it's probably a similar form of viruses anyway.


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Replied by PR (Houston, Texas) on 04/29/2009

Thanks Ted for posting your swine flu remedy. Knowing how busy you are this posting is much appreciated. I have donated a loving offering in appreciation of your help through Earth Clinic. Thanks again!

Replied by Heather (Provincetown, MA) on 04/29/2009

BHT: I can't find it at my local Healthfood store, ideas

EC: http://www.google.com/products q=BHT



Replied by PR (Houston, Texas) on 04/30/2009

I purchased BHT food grade from the link below for around $7.00 for 8 oz and $12.00 for a pound. I found some where on the internet that 1/8 teaspoon equals 480 mgs of BHT

http://www.herbalhut.com/detail.aspx ID=19980
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Replied by Penny (Atlanta, Georgia) on 04/30/2009

Why do Teds comments seem as though he has treated Swine Flu Is he reffering to successfull treatments and cures to his previous experiences with other flu strains or THE Swine Flu In one of his comments he talks about a family that contracted the virus after eating pork but we have been told it can not be transmitted this way. I sometimes have a hard time following his comments/suggesions/reccomendations and it has caused me to question his credibility. I love this website and check it each day to read about successful cures people have experienced with simple products found in the kitchen, yard, or medicine cabinet. I would just like to know what Ted's qualifications are and what his affiliation to this website is. I will certainly continue to refer to this website as I find the information I read fascinating.

EC: Ted has been one of Earth Clinic's most frequent contributors since 2003. Read more about him here.


Replied by Pat (Tucson, AZ) on 05/01/2009

Ted, BHT is toxic to the liver and it is also prohibited as a food additive in England. Have you taken BHT and what dosage would you give it to a child

Replied by T (Maryland, USA) on 05/03/2009

Angie, yes, BHT actually is prohibited in England as a food additive, as Pat stated. I agree with you that there are some highly concerning effects noted in various sources, liver and kidney toxicity and even cancer among them. That said, I did purchase some in supplement form in the event of this flu, per Ted's posts. I feel that if it can indeed help with that, then a short-term use of it is justified. But there's no way I'll be taking it for any other reason despite its apparent other benefits. BHT does appear to be a double-edged sword, from my reading, and as I don't *need* it, I prefer to err on the side of caution.

Replied by Angie (Missouri) on 05/03/2009

I do not believe bht is prohibited as a food additive. I have been finding it at the grocery in the past weeks added to nuts, cereal and there are other things too I will probably find it in. I will not buy these products because my research online as found that bht does cause cancer.

Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 05/13/2009

There is an easy way I used in assessing the safety of any supplements, whether they be BHT, or any supplements. The father of free radical theory, Dr. Denham Harman, who first proposed the Fenton Reaction of aging disease caused by free radical iron, did do a research in assessing whether BHT resulted in longer lifespan or not. It was found that BHT extended the lifespan of laborator rats by 45%. There is a quote from wikipedia (not the best source, but a convenient one):

"In 1968 Harman published a dietary antioxidant study showing that the food preservative BHT fed over a lifetime to mice produced a 45% increase in life span. Harman became concerned that although many of his studies showed an increase in average lifespan by antioxidants, none showed an increase in maximum lifespan."

The reason why U.S. has low incidence in stomach cancer compared to Japanese, was that many foods in U.S. such as bread has BHT added. I used BHT to prevent or stop a metastatic cancer within minutes of taking them. In fact this is the only known cure I can find to stop metastatic cancer. It's a lifesaver so many times over that I have lost count.


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Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 05/18/2009

Dear Pat, Different laws are subjected to different politics as in EU, UK or U.S. My methods for determining the safety depends a lot on whether any supplements extends life in laboratory animals and BHT in a research on antioxidants by Dr. Denham Harman, it extended their life by 45% increase in life expectancy, and they are healthy rats. Given between a life and death of a metastatic cancer, the only known cure I know from metastatic cancer is BHT, which stops metastasis and reverses it in matter of minutes, I think BHT is great for emergency purposes. Because of it's legality being questions as opposed to its lifesaving properties, people therefore have to decide for themselves.

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Replied by Pat (Tucson, Az) on 05/20/2009

Hi Ted, thank you for answering my concerns about the safety of bht for the swine flu. I have also done some research on bht and found it to have many more benefits. I will use it myself if I need to, Thanks again.

Replied by Qwert (Awesome, Ma, USA) on 08/24/2009

Hi, Just a question for Ted about taking BHT, What form of BHT do you recommend using like you said for metastatic cancer or virus...Do you recommend buying it in bulk powder form or capsules If doing the powder form, how would you consume it ...by taking a spoon full into your mouth and swallowing it on empty stomach or by mixing it with water or milk or food
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Replied by Amanda (Ca, Us) on 01/26/2010

I also want to know how to administer bht for cancer. I have the capsule form of bht. If someone has info they can share I would be greatful. thanks

Replied by Maria Polmeer (Australia) on 05/22/2015

Dear Readers, I'm late entering discussion but have to share this...in 2009 I contracted a virus while travelling on a plane. Over many months, it's symptoms kept changing until finally it became Labrynthitis ( if I moved my eyes or head the surroundings spun or tipped and vomiting happened) couldn't keep anything down even water. Ambulance attended to me at home to prevent dehydration. Hearing about me an Osteopath friend interstate rang and gave me what she had discovered to be the cure for all virus. Take only One dose, she said, that's important. It worked in 24 hours. I have passed this to others and it always works. Here it is...

One teaspoon Olive Leaf Extract and one teaspoon Colloidal Silver in half small glass of water. Drink it down. Ugh! Then, put the same in a full glass of water and gargle it over 24 hours. Don't swallow! That's it. Six years later still well.

Blessings. Maria Polmeer

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