Joint Pain for Hyaluronic Acid

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Tina (Princeton, N J) on 06/07/2010
5 out of 5 stars

Hi All,

I have been using HA for three weeks now. My brand is from Source Naturals and has 100 mg of HA. It also has BioCell collagen, Type II collagen, and Chondroitin Sulfate. I take two tablets every day, morning and night.

I had been nursing a sore knee for two weeks prior to taking HA (result of trying too many new classes at the gym!) and was hoping the HA would help with the lingering pain. Within a week, I could run up and down the stairs as before, without a twinge. I also found that my pores were shrinking, and my face looked and felt smoother. I did have some sleepless nights initially until I figured out that it must be the L-carnitine, which I had also begun taking at the same time. I reduced my dosage of that to one TBSP a day and now I sleep soundly. Till date, I have had no unusual dreams that I can remember any way. For now, I plan to continuing taking HA because I love the results. Thanks EC for having this great forum where one can learn so much to improve one's life.
