Hyaluronic Acid Benefits: Skin Care and More!

Modified on May 29, 2022 | Earth Clinic Team

Hyaluronic Acid Benefits

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) has become a popular supplement used to treat many ailments.

Hyaluronic acid benefits include use for arthritis, joint pain, osteoarthritis, and damaged tissue. It is also widely used in skin care products for its ability to rejuvenate the skin.

What is Hyaluronic Acid?

Hyaluronic acid contains hyaluronan, a substance that occurs naturally in the body. For osteoarthritis, where the joints lack the fluid for sufficient lubrication, Hyaluronic acid injections are made directly into joints for temporary relief from pain.

Hyaluronic acid interacts with molecules that cause inflammation, thus negating their effects. Hyaluronan molecules travel throughout the body, taking nutrients from the food we eat and transporting it to the cells that need them via our extracellular fluid.

How to Use Hyaluronic Acid for Youthful and Hydrated Skin

Watch Earth Clinic's video to learn how to make a DIY serum for incredibly youthful skin and side effects to watch out for if you take the supplement internally.

Check out the reviews below from our readers about the benefits and also side effects of hyaluronic acid!

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List of Remedies for Hyaluronic Acid