Dental Health, Heart Health, Anti-aging for DMSO

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Art Jackson (Sg) on 07/19/2021
5 out of 5 stars

Keeping the circulatory system moving is a must -

If you gargle about a shot of DMSO it will help tighten loose teeth, saturate the gums with oxygen while destroying gingivitis bacterium lurking at the gum line & then after a few minutes of swishing "Swallow" Yup, clears the arteries slows or stops Alzheimer's & lots of other goodies Ted raves about - ask & he will tell. But then ya stink like Potato socks or rancid garlic.

Now follow the Borax Baking Soda regime ( & your sweat will smell like a freshly washed baby. Ok, maybe not but you won't stink like Road Kill either.

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