Turmeric Side Effects for Turmeric

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Vicki (Houston, Texas) on 05/03/2012
0 out of 5 stars

Folks, use caution when taking Curcumin. While the benefits are amazing, it has been proven to cause something called gall bladder squeezing (quite painful) and hair loss! My husband and I were taking one 500 mg capsule per day (with food) for about a year when I started experiencing the gall bladder squeezing sensation (as well as noticeable hair loss). I was afraid I had gallstones but an ultrasound showed no issues? My hairdresser was also alarmed at the amount of hair loss I was experiencing. I even had blood panels done to check my thyroid levels (which were completely normal). By fluke, I stumbled across an article on the possible side effects of the Curcumin, and once we cut back our dosage to three 500 mg capsules per week, the negative symptoms completely disappeared. Just be cautious about your dosing....
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Kcya (Atlanta, Ga) on 08/01/2011
0 out of 5 stars

I must say.... I have been taking tumeric during my period and I have never had so much thick clotting and blood. I would not suggest it. The only reason I was taking it was to reduce inflammation from the adjustment. It happened to be the same time as my period.... Stay clear during your period. You don't need any extra detoxification during your period anyway. Our bodies natural cleansing process will be all we need during the menstral cycle.
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Deepthi S Kumar (Kannur, Kerala, India) on 07/26/2011
0 out of 5 stars

I am using Turmeric powder with honey for my cough and astama for last two months. My cough as well as my astama has very much subsided. However, I have developed mouth ulcers and stomach feels always bloated. Now I am taking B complex for mouth ulcers. I strongly believe the mouth ulcers are formed due to consumption of turmeric powder as my husband aslo has doveloped the same after using turmeric powder. This is for the information of all readers of earth clinic. Deepti.

Whitters (Yorkhire, UK) on 08/27/2008
0 out of 5 stars


I was trying natural Hymalain Turmeric for my folliculitis and general inflammation due to my CFS/FM. When I got 2/3 down the bottle and after about 4 weeks of soreness the entire length of my GI tract, bloating and stomach pains, I realised that it may be the cause. I gave it the benefit of the doubt before stopping because I am on lots of supplements and also get wierd symptoms as I am on new thyroid supplements.

However after about a week stopping the Turmeric and introducing honey to try and heal myself I feel a little better now. So watch out for intestinal upsets with this herb. Even though the science looks great and some people may tolerate it better.


Sam (Atlantic City, NJ) on 07/09/2008
0 out of 5 stars

I drank turmeric powder 1 tsp in warm water 3xday & applying turmeric paste made with the powder & water at nite for 2 days then broke out with petechiae which is red spots caused by bleeding of superficial blood vessels!!! as a nurse i did more researach & found out turmeric can thin blood & therefore cause bleeding. you should alert people of this dangerous side effect...some people are on blood thinners & they can be harmed.
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