Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation for Colds, Flu, Viruses

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H2O2 (Memphis, TN) on 02/05/2022:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been using this method with a nebulizer for years. I inhale several times, 2-3 times per day. I used to get the flu twice a year, every year. Since I started H2O2 therapy I have not had even a cold or sniffle in the last 10 years! Could not worry less about Covid.

I have also used it more intensively to help with detoxing (longer sessions 4 times a day), and on the 2nd or 3rd day experienced an intense Herxheimer reaction immediately after, which proved beyond a doubt the effectiveness of this therapy.

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Tony (Lexington, KY) on 04/02/2021:
5 out of 5 stars


Your video on the HP inhalation technique from about 6 years ago has saved me from a huge amount of suffering due to my history with cold viruses. For 30 years I was looking for a way to deal with my colds that would sometimes last well over a month.... I tried tons of vit C, zinc...but nothing worked... I tried HP also, but was doing it wrong and almost gave up. Then I realized I need to start a rigorous infusion of HP immediately upon a tickle in my throat or any symptom that could be a cold. Over the last 6 years, I have killed scores and scores of cold viruses that would have put me down for months. A few times I got fooled, however, and misread a symptom and it was a day or two into the virus before I started. But usually, I kill it dead within the first 2 to 5 days.

My method is more aggressive upon first thinking I got a virus. I have no mercy on these viruses. Upon the first sign, I first do my inhaling method as you showed every 2-3 hours. To kick off the method, I also spray HP in each ear while laying down. I let it bubble in there at least 10-15 min per side. Then, I mix 8 parts water with 2 parts HR in a cup and snort up my nose. The nose membrane is very sensitive so you can not use the strong 3% otherwise it could start bleeding. I learned this from experience. This three-fold method seems to kill everything if I caught it on time.

I have a question….

When you or Bill M talk about inhaling every 3-4 hours, are you including throughout the night? Because I am afraid the virus might grow during the night, I set my alarm and wake up and do it 1 or 2 times during the night if a cold is coming on. What is your experience?


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Rick A (Columbus, Ohio) on 11/01/2018:
5 out of 5 stars

Total H202 Routine:

I have used the H202 inhalation method for years and it has been very effective for colds or other sinus infections. Once I notice a cold coming on at Day 1, I do the Munro throat spray routine at 3%, for about 3x's. Then I move on to a mix of 1.5% H202 in the nasal sprayer (3% is too much for your nasal linings), then I do a routine of H202 in my ears for 4 min each ear then dry them out with kleenex & cotton swabs and finally after all this drains into your mouth I gargle for a minute with H202.

IF I do this on Day 1 I have never had to go to Day 2 of this routine - never in 10 years of use. This is why people go to Ear, Nose & Throat doctors - these are ALL inter-related. You need to fix them all. Hope this helps.

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Kevin (Cambridge, Ma) on 11/10/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

I discovered hydrogen peroxide inhalation last year when I was sick with a virus for 2 months and looking for a cure to my extreme fatigue. I was skeptical about the remedy but desperate for more energy. I inhaled up to 8 times a day for about a week and was cured.

Yesterday, I started to come down with a nasty virus that has been going around. After class I went back to my room and inhaled 3% hydrogen peroxide (not food grade, but a cheap drugstore brand): 10 sprays to the back of my throat. I did this every 3 to 4 hours until midnight. The virus symptoms dissipated within the first hour and had disappeared after 12 hours. I am continuing to inhale every 8 hours just to make sure it is gone. This remedy is an effective cure for viruses.

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Mike (Sanborn, New York) on 08/28/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

I also have pulmonary fibrosis and have been looking into holistic methods of treatment. I just started the peroxide treatment yesterday so I can't give you any results yet but I am taking large doses of Serrapeptase that will breakdown the scar tissue in the lungs. I also nebulize a product called MMS that you can purchase on e-bay.

The serrapeptase info can be found at (http://www.biomediclabs.com/pulmonary_fibrosis) I have used both since I was diagnosed with Mantle Cell Lymphoma and pulmonary fibrosis 2 years ago. The cancer was in remission in 2 months and my lungs are getting better. I also had blood clots in my lungs as well as a Pseudomonas Aeruginosa infection. Both are under control now. There is hope for your father. I will let you know how the peroxide works.

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Nicola (Toowoomba, Queensland Australia) on 06/23/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

I'm having the best respite from a lifetime of asthma, allergies and chronic bronchitis since beginning three natural therapies. A) I take Vit D3 drops (Bioceuticals brand from health food shop) daily. B) I paint Lugol's iodine solution on my skin several times a week (just half a dropper full). C) I inhale 3% H Peroxide via the mouth about 6 times a day. The latter also lessened the pain from my Dercum's Disease (painful lipomatosis) by about 80% and cleared my thinking. I also sleep well now, and not too long and breathe and move better/more easily.

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Rickeyjackson (Southwest, Az, Usa) on 06/28/2010:
4 out of 5 stars

i had the exact outcome as you. however, instead of giving up, i continued and am all the better for having done so. i went to urgent care twice and was diagnosed with acute bronchitis. i was given steroids, antibiotics, cough medicine and an inhaler both times and nothing worked. i decided to come here because i've had much success with turmeric on boils. i was, at that time, close to ruining my lungs completely as i coughed chronically with mucus filling my lungs but not coming out. i was also in extreme pain in my trunk area and lungs. the bottom line was when i researched my condition and found out that i actually have COPD because of the new symptoms of my feet and wrists swelling and massive water retention.

i saw this section and immediately sent for a dollar-store spray bottle, for we are currently vacationing and i needed something immediately. i had regular 3% peroxide from the dollar store and did not dilute it. i started inhaling as directed and immediately began to cough more and felt like i had the flu. i thought i was dying. the following morning, my coughs became productive and scary. i started with massive amounts of yellow phlem, then it changed to bloody, then yellow, green, yellow, cloudy, then clear, which is where i am today. i have spells of coughing when i feel the tickle at the back of my throat and it doesn't cease completely until i have coughed up the major portion of phlem. i am no longer panting from simply putting on my clothes and i can sleep. i am not in shape to go out in public just yet as i have no idea when i will start the coughing session. however, i am ten thousand percent better and i know this would not have been possible had i not come to this site.

i do have a question: WILL THE EXPELLING EVER CEASE COMPLETELY OR IS THERE ANYTHING I CAN DO TO DECREASE MY RECOVERY TIME? i have been inhaling cinnamon and clove oil with steam, but i can only do that while not out. i am missing being active...

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Geoff (Birch Run, Michigan, Usa) on 04/10/2010:
1 out of 5 stars

For the posts about colds/flu working, I have not experienced anything positive from this. I did the emptying out of the nasal spray inhalation method. As soon as I started to feel the throat itching and the nose getting stuffy, I started. First day I did it four times with around four to five sprays each time. All that happened with myself is that I got more sick as you would expect with a cold. The only difference was the my lungs are achy now and I had the nastiest taste in my mouth. Just to see if there has been any benefit, I continued in the morning (after having a fever all night). Still no change. The only thing that has help thus far has been the cold medicine I finally taken. Wish I could say different, but so far, the cold seems to be running a normal course with no benefit of peroxide inhalation.
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Kyle (Trumbull, Ct) on 01/23/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

I have gone through so much pain and suffering that no one should ever have to endure over the past year. I had a virus in me for over a year and they did not know what it was. They thought it was pure anxiety/depression/adhd, so I was constantly changed on medications. It finally got to the point where I could not live in this much physical pain on a daily basis. I'm only 22 and I felt like I was 90 with cancer. My hearing was decreasing, I was having trouble breathing, my face hurt all the time, coughing up mucus constantly, etc. I somehow saw hydrogen peroxide in my bathroom cabinet and remembered hearing it was used to treat viruses. I followed your steps and just figured what the hell. IT WORKED. I started coughing up all the horrible things inside my chest, my nose was running (in a good way), I could HEAR NORMALLY again, and all that pain that had been continuous in my body was GONE. I am not lying whatsoever. I will take this consistently for the rest of my life, the benefits in quality of life are undeniable.
EC: Thanks for the great feedback. We're guessing you are referring to the hydrogen peroxide inhalation method? If so, can you let us know more details (ie, how often)? Thanks.
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Kelly (Louisville, Ky) on 01/03/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

Hydrogen peroxide inhalation

I tried Mr. Munro's technique after 6 days of chest and head congestion. I don't get sick very often, I do smoke regularly and when I do get sick it almost always goes to my chest because of the smoking I am sure. The H2O2 inhalation was a last ditch effort to clear up the longest flu-like sickness I have ever had! Fortunately, I do feel much better after only one day. I am not completely "healed", but my lungs can breath deeper, and I can cough up what was so thick in the lungs before. I am going to continue to use the technique for a few more days and see what happens. I must admit, I am not doing the same amount that Mr. Munro suggests, but I am inhaling the 3% stuff from the drugstore and about 4 inhales each time, about 4 times yesterday and twice already this morning (been up for about 4 hours). Still coughing, but doesn't hurt and stuff just comes right out! Thanks for the help and I am so greatful for old farmboys like Mr. Munro!

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