Colds, Flu, Viruses for Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation

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H2O2 (Memphis, TN) on 02/05/2022
5 out of 5 stars

I have been using this method with a nebulizer for years. I inhale several times, 2-3 times per day. I used to get the flu twice a year, every year. Since I started H2O2 therapy I have not had even a cold or sniffle in the last 10 years! Could not worry less about Covid.

I have also used it more intensively to help with detoxing (longer sessions 4 times a day), and on the 2nd or 3rd day experienced an intense Herxheimer reaction immediately after, which proved beyond a doubt the effectiveness of this therapy.

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Tony (Lexington, KY) on 04/02/2021
5 out of 5 stars


Your video on the HP inhalation technique from about 6 years ago has saved me from a huge amount of suffering due to my history with cold viruses. For 30 years I was looking for a way to deal with my colds that would sometimes last well over a month.... I tried tons of vit C, zinc...but nothing worked... I tried HP also, but was doing it wrong and almost gave up. Then I realized I need to start a rigorous infusion of HP immediately upon a tickle in my throat or any symptom that could be a cold. Over the last 6 years, I have killed scores and scores of cold viruses that would have put me down for months. A few times I got fooled, however, and misread a symptom and it was a day or two into the virus before I started. But usually, I kill it dead within the first 2 to 5 days.

My method is more aggressive upon first thinking I got a virus. I have no mercy on these viruses. Upon the first sign, I first do my inhaling method as you showed every 2-3 hours. To kick off the method, I also spray HP in each ear while laying down. I let it bubble in there at least 10-15 min per side. Then, I mix 8 parts water with 2 parts HR in a cup and snort up my nose. The nose membrane is very sensitive so you can not use the strong 3% otherwise it could start bleeding. I learned this from experience. This three-fold method seems to kill everything if I caught it on time.

I have a question….

When you or Bill M talk about inhaling every 3-4 hours, are you including throughout the night? Because I am afraid the virus might grow during the night, I set my alarm and wake up and do it 1 or 2 times during the night if a cold is coming on. What is your experience?


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Rick A (Columbus, Ohio) on 11/01/2018
5 out of 5 stars

Total H202 Routine:

I have used the H202 inhalation method for years and it has been very effective for colds or other sinus infections. Once I notice a cold coming on at Day 1, I do the Munro throat spray routine at 3%, for about 3x's. Then I move on to a mix of 1.5% H202 in the nasal sprayer (3% is too much for your nasal linings), then I do a routine of H202 in my ears for 4 min each ear then dry them out with kleenex & cotton swabs and finally after all this drains into your mouth I gargle for a minute with H202.

IF I do this on Day 1 I have never had to go to Day 2 of this routine - never in 10 years of use. This is why people go to Ear, Nose & Throat doctors - these are ALL inter-related. You need to fix them all. Hope this helps.

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Kevin (Cambridge, Ma) on 11/10/2011
5 out of 5 stars

I discovered hydrogen peroxide inhalation last year when I was sick with a virus for 2 months and looking for a cure to my extreme fatigue. I was skeptical about the remedy but desperate for more energy. I inhaled up to 8 times a day for about a week and was cured.

Yesterday, I started to come down with a nasty virus that has been going around. After class I went back to my room and inhaled 3% hydrogen peroxide (not food grade, but a cheap drugstore brand): 10 sprays to the back of my throat. I did this every 3 to 4 hours until midnight. The virus symptoms dissipated within the first hour and had disappeared after 12 hours. I am continuing to inhale every 8 hours just to make sure it is gone. This remedy is an effective cure for viruses.

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Mike (Sanborn, New York) on 08/28/2011
5 out of 5 stars

I also have pulmonary fibrosis and have been looking into holistic methods of treatment. I just started the peroxide treatment yesterday so I can't give you any results yet but I am taking large doses of Serrapeptase that will breakdown the scar tissue in the lungs. I also nebulize a product called MMS that you can purchase on e-bay.

The serrapeptase info can be found at ( I have used both since I was diagnosed with Mantle Cell Lymphoma and pulmonary fibrosis 2 years ago. The cancer was in remission in 2 months and my lungs are getting better. I also had blood clots in my lungs as well as a Pseudomonas Aeruginosa infection. Both are under control now. There is hope for your father. I will let you know how the peroxide works.

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Nicola (Toowoomba, Queensland Australia) on 06/23/2011
5 out of 5 stars

I'm having the best respite from a lifetime of asthma, allergies and chronic bronchitis since beginning three natural therapies. A) I take Vit D3 drops (Bioceuticals brand from health food shop) daily. B) I paint Lugol's iodine solution on my skin several times a week (just half a dropper full). C) I inhale 3% H Peroxide via the mouth about 6 times a day. The latter also lessened the pain from my Dercum's Disease (painful lipomatosis) by about 80% and cleared my thinking. I also sleep well now, and not too long and breathe and move better/more easily.
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Kyle (Trumbull, Ct) on 01/23/2010
5 out of 5 stars

I have gone through so much pain and suffering that no one should ever have to endure over the past year. I had a virus in me for over a year and they did not know what it was. They thought it was pure anxiety/depression/adhd, so I was constantly changed on medications. It finally got to the point where I could not live in this much physical pain on a daily basis. I'm only 22 and I felt like I was 90 with cancer. My hearing was decreasing, I was having trouble breathing, my face hurt all the time, coughing up mucus constantly, etc. I somehow saw hydrogen peroxide in my bathroom cabinet and remembered hearing it was used to treat viruses. I followed your steps and just figured what the hell. IT WORKED. I started coughing up all the horrible things inside my chest, my nose was running (in a good way), I could HEAR NORMALLY again, and all that pain that had been continuous in my body was GONE. I am not lying whatsoever. I will take this consistently for the rest of my life, the benefits in quality of life are undeniable.
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Kelly (Louisville, Ky) on 01/03/2010
5 out of 5 stars

Hydrogen peroxide inhalation

I tried Mr. Munro's technique after 6 days of chest and head congestion. I don't get sick very often, I do smoke regularly and when I do get sick it almost always goes to my chest because of the smoking I am sure. The H2O2 inhalation was a last ditch effort to clear up the longest flu-like sickness I have ever had! Fortunately, I do feel much better after only one day. I am not completely "healed", but my lungs can breath deeper, and I can cough up what was so thick in the lungs before. I am going to continue to use the technique for a few more days and see what happens. I must admit, I am not doing the same amount that Mr. Munro suggests, but I am inhaling the 3% stuff from the drugstore and about 4 inhales each time, about 4 times yesterday and twice already this morning (been up for about 4 hours). Still coughing, but doesn't hurt and stuff just comes right out! Thanks for the help and I am so greatful for old farmboys like Mr. Munro!

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Julia (Spokane, Wa) on 09/10/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Wow, I can't believe how effective the hydrogen peroxide has been on killing whatever virus I had. I have had a really, really bad cold which went into my lungs and caused breathing problems (I have a little asthma) for almost two weeks. I also had the sore throat and cough - used the cayenne last week and within a day or two that was totally gone. But I was still miserable with the congestion and labored breathing. Read about the hydrogen peroxide inhalation therapy. So this morning I went out and bought the nasal sprayer, and 3% HP, and gave it a go. I did a few squirts as I breathed in once. Couldn't tell much at first, but slowly I noticed the congestion leaving and feeling more and more energetic. I did another round a few hours ago, and tonight I am breathing normal, very very little congestion, and I feel full of energy and life! I am having trouble falling asleep, too much energy, but I'm sure not complaining about that. Oh, I forgot to mention, I took a HP bath too, just poured one of those small 15 oz. bottles into the bath water and stayed in there for 45 minutes. All the warnings on other sites did scare me I have to admit, so I'm still not sure if I am brave enough to make this a regular practice, but to oust a bad cold or flu I will do it in a heartbeat again!!! Thank you Earth Clinic.
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Sonya (Manhattan, USA) on 08/25/2009
5 out of 5 stars

My husband started feeling symptoms of the flu on Friday, but I didn't feel them until Monday. I started inhaling 3% peroxide to the back of my throat and into my lungs following Bill Munro's instructions right away. I felt immediately better (literally, 5 minutes later) but 20 minutes later I felt the virus returning to my head. Instead of waiting the 2-3 hours for the inhalation like the instructions state, I decided to inhale again. Again my symptoms disappeared almost immediately. I kept inhaling every time I felt the symptoms returning and by midnight, I didn't have any more symptoms. I went to sleep, symptom free and did the peroxide again this morning, after an 8 hour break and will continue to inhale every 2-3 hours now. I am not 100% (mild congestion) but am doing sooo much better than my husband who is still miserable with congestion.

I am coming to the conclusion that the key to this inhalation method is starting it as soon as you feel the symptoms and then continuing it for a day or two. Don't stop doing it even if you feel better! I also think that inhaling every few hours is not enough if you have a bad strain of the virus. Inhaling every time I feel symptoms returning has been the key to kicking this virus. No doubt I will be able to test my findings again this winter, but hopefully not with the swine flu.

Good luck everyone. We need to be prepared for a bad swine flu season!

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