Get Thyroid Tested for Yeast Infections

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Rarind (Centerville, Indiana) on 01/05/2013
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Debbie (Chatom, Al) on 05/18/2012

Well, it is so nice to find postings that relate to my Sadie. She is a 15 lb Jack Russell/fice mix. She has had skin issues since she was a puppy. She is now 5. We have used prednisone, numerous times. That helped, but it always came back. My vet has told me allergies. I took her to another vet, he gave her a shot and treated her for scabies. She cleared up, no smell, new hair, no scratching. BUT, you can't give them the shots all the time. Suggested that we have her allergy tested. I love her, but with 2 kids in college, Sadie and Mama are low men on the totem pole. THE NEXT Vet has helped. We put her on a meat only dog food, mitic medication, and an antibiotic. He also said to give her 3 ccs of benedril 2xday. Well, Her hair came back, she lost weight (no snacks and only the dog food) she still smells and itches like hell (sorry) even with the benedril. I really don't think that she has food allergies. Nothing changed with the food. We bathe her every three to four days like the second vet said, smells good for a little while. We are putting a little white vinegar in her rinse water, that seems to help. Gonna try this drug you guys are talking about for the yeast. Heavens, just go round and round. Oh yeah, we dont have fleas, so go figure.....

Have you had your dog tested for Thyroid trouble? My dog experienced the same thing and she was treated for allergies, tested for allergies and finally my groomer suggested I have her thyroid tested; it was extremely low. The test is about $150, but they put her on thyroid pills (inexpensive from the vet) and it took several months but her skin cleared up beautifully. Her Thyroid level was suppose to be 4. and it. 02 the vet said that they skin condition is what prompted her to check the thyroid. Hope this helps.