Dietary Changes, Yogurt for Yeast Infections

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Keith (Richmond, Virginia) on 04/17/2011
5 out of 5 stars

my black lab puppy had a real bad case of yeast infection, under the arms and in the ears. I used the advice on your site and it helped a lot. First I changed her food from puppy chow to taste of the wild all natural. Then added acidophilus tabs (300 billion) and for desert a little yougart. Wow.... After 2 weeks like magic her yeast infection went away, her hair grew back and her coat is beatiful. The advice I got from your members was a god send. I believe your best results you should find results from a owner with the same kind of dog.. this worked for my lab, I hope it works for you... thanks
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Afliedog (Wells, Uk) on 02/17/2010
5 out of 5 stars

My dog has had a yeast infection for 8 months, the yeast is mainly between her toes in her nail beds and on her back leg. she has been to the vet all this time and been on antibiotics for 6 weeks, also a anti fungus pill, we could not control the yeast problem, one day it looked fine the day it would flare up again. she has been bathed every second day since it started 8 months ago. We were at the stage where we were given up till I found this site. We tried the spray of apple cider vinger and water, but this made the dog cry and she shook every-time I walked passed her, her feet also seem to get worse with this. She has been on a salmon diet with no grain. she has yogurt mixed in with this twice a day also acidopholus tablets one twice a day with food, I have brought the probiotic yogurt that has no sugar added (as i have read this can feed the yeast) She has been on this diet for a week, no tablets from the vet, she has stopped itching and stopped licking, I am still bathing her every second day and the day she is not bathed I was her feet with cotton tips and cotton wool pads. The feet are still slightly swollen and at one stage we didn't think it would work as her feet were swelling up again. But she is getting there very slowly at least it is not getting worse another fews weeks I think before it has gone. the hardest thing is not treats no chews no biscuits no other meat expect the salmon
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Rmg (Indianapolis, Indiana) on 01/15/2010
5 out of 5 stars

Because of the advice on this site and a couple of others, I started giving my dog a half a cup of yogurt every day and switched back to her old dog food. Within a week her odor was gone and she stopped scratching. Thanks.