Control The Humidity for Yeast Infections

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Basenjilife (Seminole, Florida) on 10/11/2014
5 out of 5 stars

I have fostered more than 150 basenjis, many with skin issues. Usually, I can fix them fairly quickly. This summer, though, I've had one that has a very challenging skin condition which appears to be a yeast problem. I had already incorporated several of the suggestions mentioned here with some success and will try others mentioned here. One thing that I've found to have the largest impact is to control the environment - humidity. This is a challenge in Florida, particularly when living in an older home that leaks like a sieve. My foster dog's skin was noticeably better when there was a break in the heat and humidity. I run dehumidifiers along with the air conditioners to try to maintain less than 50% relative humidity. I also limit my foster's access to sunshine and midday outside heat. I expect to have a lot more success with finally nipping the problem in the bud when the Florida summer weather breaks for more than a few days and hope that I will have his immunity fully recovered before he has to once again deal with heat and humidity next summer.