Apple Cider Vinegar Recipes for Yeast Infections

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Schnauzergal (Weatherford, Tx, Usa) on 05/02/2013
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A lot of you have aske for "recipes" of apple cider vinegar mixtures for your dogs with canine yeast infections. I've searched all over the web and here are the ones I've found. I've been using the wipes and they seem to be working. My little gal's skin is returning to normal looking and the blackish skin and crust are going away. Today I used the ear solution and will report back in a few weeks to let you know the results. Meanwhile here are the recipes I've found: Vinegar Wipes for Canine Yeast Infections:

What you need: Apple Cider Vinegar (check ingredients for sugar; if sugar is present look at another brand) Clean pure (not tap water) water; 1 oblong Ziplock food storage container or plastic shoe box with lid; good quality paper towels (I use Bounty)

Solution: 1/4 cup ACV; 1 cup pure (not tap) water

Fold paper towels in half and place in the container pour ACV solution over towels and keep covered.

Wipe dog down 2 times a day with damp not soppy towel. Get between toes, all over dark skin areas, vaginal area (not inside). This should start to clean up the skin discoloration pretty quickly.

Vinegar Ear Wash for Yeast Infections in Canines

1 tablespoon of ACV; 1/4 cup pure water (not tap); small jar or container to put solution in; eye dropper

Mix solution, place in container and use dropper to put several drops of solution in each ear. Massage base of each ear after inserting solution. Wipe out with cotton ball NOT A COTTON. SWAB. Use a hair dryer on low heat at about 8 inches from dogs ear to dry up remaining moisture in dogs ear. You might also use the dryer after bathing your dog or after they go for a swim to dry up moisture inside ear. ALWAYS use LOW heat or cool setting for this otherwise you can burn the ear canal and ear.

Vinegar Rinse for Canines with Yeast Infections

2 cups ACV; 2 gal pure water (not tap); large pitcher or jug, pail or pot to hold mixture

Wash dog with anti-fungal shampoo and allow suds to stay on dog for about 15 minutes; Use a rubber brush to scrub dogs skin with shampoo. Rinse with clean water. Then pour ACV solution over your animal and leave on for 5 minutes then rinse off.

Salve for Canine Yeast Infections

2 to 3 drops of Tea Tree Oil; 1 tablespoon Coconut Oil.

Mix and use on skin where animal cannot lick. Do Not Use Tea Tree Oil alone. It will burn the animals skin.

I am not a vet; I've only researched these "recipes" from the web in various places. I figure anything is worth a try to stop my gal from scratching herself crazy. Try them, if they work, great if not discontinue.