Acidophilus, Yogurt, Dietary Changes for Yeast Infections

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Laura (Sacramento, Ca) on 05/24/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I have an all black German Shepard. 4yrs old. About 1 yr ago he started scratching and getting an odor. He was already taking frontline for fleas. I had started feeding him IAMS and Diamond brand from the feed store about four months prior. After trying all that I knew to do without taking him to a Vet. I had to take him to the Vet. I got lucky. The doctor almost knew right away that he had a yeast infection. Loss of hair and odor. He was miserable. He prescribed me Ketoconazole and an anti-fungal shampoo. It helped a lot but not entirely. I read on, I believe on this site about Acidophilus and plain yogurt. I began giving him the two doses of Ketoconazole 200mg daily, two Acidophilus capsules daily and 4 heaping tsps of plain yogurt daily. Make sure the yogurt has less than 10grams of sugar. Sugar feeds the yeast.

He was almost cured. Something still wasn't right. I read somewhere to change his food to Taste of The Wild/ Salmon flavor. I did and about 3 weeks later he looks beautiful again. His hair is almost completely back, He has stopped scratching and the odor is gone. What a ride that was. The combination really works. It took me about a year to find what combination works. This really worked for my dog. I hope it works for yours. It will save you a lot of money and time if you get it right the first time. Make sure you bathe once a week with the anti-fungal shampoo and your dog will have some peace. Good luck to all!