Flour for Nail Injury

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Tara C. (Warwick, Ri) on 09/02/2015
5 out of 5 stars

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I just trimmed my Rottweiler's black nails and cut one too short my mistake. It started bleeding and I felt terrible. I immediately looked online for a remedy and found your site. I used self rising flour and it stopped the bleeding in just a few minutes! I just put it in a bag and placed her foot inside. Then kept her calm. I can't thank you enough for this site and helping me make everything ok! She is happily chewing on a new bone and being still and calm (thanks to my guilty conscience) and making sure to give her booboo time to heal.
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Brenda (Mountain Top) on 02/15/2015
5 out of 5 stars

Thanks for the tip. I cut my babies nail too short and it wouldn't stop bleeding until I used the flour/peroxide solution. Thank you!
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Candace Kaye (Warminster) on 05/07/2014
5 out of 5 stars

Cut my Boston's nail to short. Quickly went on line searching for an answer and found this site. I went with the flour on the nail. I actually mixed it with a little water and made a paste of it. Then applied it with a Q-tip. Worked great, but I had to reapply it because the blood kept breaking through. Hopefully there will not be a next time, but if there is I'm going to use the flour in a plastic baggie.

I did want to respond to the person in another post who was outraged at the thought of using Super Glue on the tipe of the nail. This is a procedure that is often used in emergency situations. During the Vietnam War soldiers carried it with them for closing wounds when they couldn't get immediate medical care. I also know someone who went to the ER after hitting their head on the edge of a metal plate, and rather than putting staples in his head, the doctor used Super Glue to close the wound. So it is safe to use and does not sting when applying.

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Adrian (Kalamazoo, Michigan) on 01/21/2013
5 out of 5 stars

I have a Labrador and I accidently over cut one of her nails and I couldn't get the bleeding to stop. So I cleaned with hydrogen proxide and then fixed together flour and water to great a paste and used a q tip and put some the paste on her toe nail and held for about an hour and then dipped her same nail in four about 15 times just to make sure and left her sit and relax for about an hour. And all the bleeding stopped. Thank you so much.

Jenny Martin (Portsmouth, Hampshire) on 01/13/2013
5 out of 5 stars

My Jackrussel/Chihuaha X needed his claws cut and one of them is black which l accidentally cut to short and it bled profusly after 2 hours l found your site and put his foot into a bag flour, after half an hour cuddle the bleed stopped so a very big thank you for your help.

Blazer (Vineyard Haven, Ma) on 09/29/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Thank you we used the flour and it worked awesome. I actually placed my dog's paw in my hand filled with flour then layed with him for about 30 minutes. The bleeding stopped and never started again.

Roby (Sydney, Australia) on 09/05/2012
5 out of 5 stars

YAY, thank you so much for this amazingly simple but so so wonderful remedy! For the first time ever, I cut my dog jesse's nail too short and it poured with blood! My son was panicked, and I quickly went to the web and read your advice.... I put a ziplock bag of flour over her paw, waited 15mins, and its stopped! Thankyou :)

Justjan (Tolland, Connecticut) on 01/22/2012
5 out of 5 stars

My Schipp's nails are black. I am so careful, but got the quick today... First time I've ever done that. He didn't even flinch, but he was bleeding terribly. I got online, saw this site and did the flour in a baggie. I held him and petted him for an hour (he loved it). He is sleeping soundly, the bleeding stopped, and I'm so grateful. Thank you!

Tara (Springfield, Illinois, Us) on 10/04/2011
5 out of 5 stars

I am so thankful for this site. My son Donnie suggested that I check out online for home remedies for pets and I came across this site. My fiancee was clipping my dog Angel's claws and she pulled away and he cut to close to the quick and she began to bleed, I was freaked out but my son told me to check online and I found out about the flour and wow it really works. Thank you to who ever created this site. It is a blessing and a help.

Sami (Canada, Nova Scotia) on 01/11/2010
5 out of 5 stars

I was cutting my shelties nails and on the last nail I cut the quick. So I tried everything besides the vet and I went online and found your website. I put his paw in a cup of flour for five minutes. later I check on him and an hour later it work his nail stopped bleeding!!! :):D

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