Nail Injury for Flour

5 star (13) 

Susan (Milton, WV) on 04/24/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I accidently stepped on my chihuahuas paw with my heeled shoes. She yelped and I thought that was that. Then I noticed bleeding and found that she lost her whole nail. I put 1/2 cup flour in a baggy and placed her paw in it. I twisted the top of the bag and put a clip to hold it. I held her for about 30 minutes to keep her off her foot. It stopped the bleeding very quickly.

Samantha (Holland, Michigan) on 02/10/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Hi my dogs nail had been bleeding non stop and i was scard and using the flour to stop the bleeding help us out alot! thanks so much for putting the info out:

Christina (Charleston, WV) on 06/30/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

Hi. I have used flour for years to stop bleeding when I cut my pug's nails too short. They are very thick and crooked. The vet said this was safe and non-toxic. I just put some flour in my palm and dip his nail in it. It usually stops the bleeding immediately. Flour can be used for other minor wounds on your dogs body too.
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