Pet Injury Remedies
Modified on Oct 10, 2023 |
Deirdre Layne
Has your pet suffered an injury? Cats, dogs, horses, and other pets often suffer small cuts, abrasions, bruises, and other modest injuries that a pet owner can treat at home naturally without the expense of a vet visit.
Pet first aid should always first look to clean a wound to prevent future infection, and then you can begin to administer natural remedies that can speed healing and reduce symptoms of pain, itching, swelling, or other discomfort your pet may experience from an injury.
Natural Cures: Apple cider vinegar is frequently used as a disinfectant, perhaps diluted with equal parts water to prevent irritation. Comfrey poultices can speed the healing of bone or ligament injuries. Often, the same home remedy you would use for a similar human injury can be applied to a pet injury as well, but you should double check for potential counter-indications for your particular pet and breed.
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