Pat Coleby Remedies For Horses for Horse Health Conditions

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Karen (Greenbank, Qld Australia) on 10/13/2008
5 out of 5 stars


Pat Coleby is Australian Animal natural care expert. Many books. HIGHLY RECOMMEND. Cures based on mineral deficiencies in our soil caused by super phosphate/modern farming. Promotes use of Dollomite, Yellow Sulphur, Copper, Seaweed meal, Cod liver oil, rock salt & borax.

Been feeding my horses her diet for 4 years - NEVER GOING BACK to modern feeds. ALL problems gone with my horses.

Qld Itch is a copper defficiency,
worms are a copper deficiency,
lice/mites are a sulphur deficiency,
laminitus/founder is a magnesium &/or a calcium deficiency.
arthritus is a boron deficeincy.(Pat takes this herself & still runs a goat farm alone at age of 80+++- despite being diagnosed with osteo arthritus 30 years ago & told to buy wheelchair.

Can't recommend her enough - everything she says proves to be true - amazing woman - highly respected by CSIRO.