Horse Health Conditions: Natural Cures

Modified on Apr 08, 2024 | Earth Clinic Team

Horse Vitamins, Herbs, and Supplements for Various Conditions

Work and show horses alike have a variety of health concerns that can be treated effectively and at less expense with natural remedies, herbs for horses' health, and alternative therapies that offer an holistic approach to your animal's health.

Arthritis in horses may be treated with glucosamine supplements. Wounds and swelling can be administered to with apple cider vinegar and other common home remedies. Natural liniments can help soothe and repair muscles.

Wood chewing and cribbing or crib biting habits can also be addressed with sage and effective natural options such as manure tea or apple cider vinegar if the issue is a dietary need. Somewhat more exotic horse health treatments include ozone therapy for equine infectious anemia (EIA).

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List of Remedies for Horse Health Conditions