Horse Health Conditions for Magnesium for Heaves in Horses

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Jane (Alexandria, La) on 01/27/2017:
5 out of 5 stars

Read your problem concerning COPD, and I quite inadvertently discovered that magnesium will CURE heaves! The mineral supplement that I described above has mostly calcium and magnesium in it. I was in the hospital last year with a broken pelvis and while I was away, the girls caring for my horses didnt know enough not to feed moldy hay, well one of my lesson ponies came down with heaves and he had it bad too- he rattled when he inhaled. when I got home and discovered this I was heartbroken, but soldiered on. since I was the only one who knew the recipe for the mineral they werent getting it while I was away, so after I got back to work, I mixed up a batch and got them back on it. then I noticed something after a couple of weeks- he wasnt coughing or rattling anymore! And was cruising around the arena like a champ- no coughing, no rattling and not short of breath! that was last year and since have had no reoccurances. Minerals are natures best kept secret!
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