Combat Warts Naturally: Top Remedies Ranked for Effectiveness

Modified on Nov 09, 2023 | Written by Deirdre Layne

Apple cider vinegar for warts.

Warts, those persistent and unsightly skin growths, are the handiwork of the human papillomavirus (HPV). They can appear almost anywhere on the body, and while they're generally harmless, they're not exactly welcome guests. Though they can resolve independently, natural remedies offer a proactive way to bid them farewell. From immune-boosting foods to simple household items, let's explore the most effective natural treatments for warts.

Understanding Warts 

Warts are skin growths caused by human papillomavirus (HPV).  They can grow anywhere on the body and quickly spread to another part of the body or someone else, although the wart will not appear for months.  Several types are found on particular body parts and have unique appearances.

Natural Remedies for Warts

Several home remedies have stood the test of time and user experiences. We've ranked them from most to least effective based on anecdotal evidence and some scientific backing.

Vitamin A

Research places Vitamin A among the top contenders in natural wart remedies, not just for its role in skin health but for its specific action against warts.1

Applying Vitamin A directly to the wart has proven effective in a method outlined by clinical studies. This application involves:

  • Topical Use: The study suggests using Vitamin A oil from fish liver (retinol) and applying it directly to the wart. The process entails puncturing a Vitamin A capsule and spreading the oil over the affected area.
  • Consistency and Dosage: For optimal results, the application should be done daily, preferably at night, to allow ample contact time. The recommended potency can vary, but it should be in line with the dosages used in clinical settings, as excessive amounts can lead to skin irritation or toxicity if ingested.
  • Duration: Persistence is key, as the treatment may need to be continued for several months before the wart completely resolves.


A robust immune system is your frontline defense against warts. Foods rich in antiviral properties, like garlic, sweet potatoes, and sunflower seeds, enhance your body's ability to fight off the virus. An apple cider vinegar tonic is a popular daily elixir for immune support.

Banana Peel Application

Anecdotal evidence on Earth Clinic crowns banana peels as one of the top remedies for warts. The application is straightforward: place a banana peel segment (less ripe is better) over the wart overnight. Potassium in the peel is believed to help combat the growth.


Garlic isn't just for warding off vampires; its antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties make it a potent wart remedy. Applied topically or ingested in capsule form, garlic can work wonders on these viral intruders.

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) - #1 Wart Remedy on Earth Clinic

ACV's acidic nature can help peel away layers of wart-infected skin, making it a go-to alternative treatment. A cotton ball soaked in ACV and placed on the wart overnight is a common practice.

Duct Tape Occlusion

This unassuming household item is another remedy. Covering the wart with duct tape may irritate the area, prompting an immune response to clear the wart. Patience is key, as it can take several weeks to see results.

The Power of Positive Thinking

A study highlighted the potential of hypnosis in wart treatment. Participants who underwent hypnosis saw a significant reduction in warts without any physical intervention, suggesting a mind-body connection.2

Tea Tree Oil

Known for its antiviral and antiseptic properties, tea tree oil can be applied topically to the wart several times a day.

Aloe Vera 

The gel from an aloe vera plant may help treat warts when applied regularly due to its anti-inflammatory and healing properties.


Available as a supplement or tea, echinacea is believed to strengthen the immune system, potentially helping the body clear warts.

Green Tea 

Compounds in green tea, especially EGCG, have been used in ointments for treating warts due to their antiviral properties.

Castor Oil 

When applied to the wart daily, castor oil can help soften the wart and reduce its appearance.


This is a homeopathic remedy that is considered particularly for warts that appear on the face and hands.

Tagamet (Cimetidine)

 Although not a natural remedy, this over-the-counter heartburn medication has been reported to boost the immune system and help clear warts.

Lemon Essential Oil 

Similar to tea tree oil, lemon essential oil has antiviral properties and can be applied directly to the wart.


In conclusion, while generally harmless, warts can be a nuisance, prompting many to seek natural remedies. The treatments listed, from Vitamin A application to immune-boosting foods, banana peels, garlic, apple cider vinegar, and duct tape, offer at-home options for non-invasive solutions. 

Keep scrolling to discover testimonials from Earth Clinic readers on the most effective natural wart remedies they've tried. We'd love to hear your success stories too – share with us the treatments that worked for you!

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List of Remedies for Warts