Voodoo Remedies for Warts

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Michelle M (Waukesha, Wi) on 03/01/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

Here is another remedy for plantar's warts. My daughter had one on the palm of her hand (same type of skin as the bottom of foot) which was growing inward. The root started putting pressure on the bone beneath in and really started to hurt. I combined baking soda and castor oil to form a gummy paste, put a piece of it over the wart and covered it with a bandaid. We put a clean piece of "gum" and bandaid on daily. In about 7 days the roots of the wart started coming outward and when they were long enough, I took a tweezers and carefully pulled the roots out. The wart went away after that and never came back. This is a great alternative to getting plantars warts on the bottom of your feet burned off. Just make sure you careful pulling out the roots so that they don't break. If the root remains under the skin, the wart will most likely. If so, repeat the remedy, making sure to get ALL the root the next time.

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Jeri (Geneva, Ohio) on 09/15/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

My 3 year old grandson had several warts under his nose. His mom had had some burned off twice before, but could not put him through that again. I found the raw potato remedy on this sight and figured we had nothing to loose but a potato. I cut the potato in half, peeled a little of one edge away so we could make good contact with the warts under his nose. We rubbed the warts ONE TIME, ensuring we got the juice on all of them. He and I then went and buried the potato in the back yard and didn't tell anyone where we buried it. Within a couple days, one at a time, the warts started getting smaller and within three weeks, they were all gone. You couldn't even see where they were. This is truly a miracle cure
and hope everyone tries this. Thank you for your publication!!!
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Kevin (San Antonio, Texas) on 04/07/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I'll add my voodoo cure which coincides with others already listed.

I had a wart on my thumb which refused to go away. I tried the OTC remedies and finally gave up. I took a razor blade and grimly cut deeply into my thumb in an attempt to remove it. My reward was an additional wart appearing as well as the original again returning. I told a friend about this and he laughingly told me that he had had one and his mother had told him to scrub it with a cloth and then bury it. He said he knew it sounded crazy, but it had worked.

I didn't give it much more thought until one day when I was over at his mom's and he brought it up. His mom confirmed it and also stated that if you buried the rag on the property of someone else, they would get the wart. I decided to finally give in and give it a try (No, I didn't bury it on another's property.). To my amazement, the wart just disappeared. I didn't expect it to work and used a greasy rag I was working with in my garage. But, work it did.


Robyn (Perth, Australia) on 02/20/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

My friend's son at age twelve had many warts on the palms of his hands which caused him much embarassment. I told him that I would 'buy' them from him. I put a pile of coins (approx $3) on a shelf in his mother's kitchen. I told him that now that I had bought his warts they would soon disappear and then he could take the money and use as he wanted. Took about a month. Warts all gone!

Lorrie (Santa Fe,New Mexico) on 12/08/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

When I was around 12 or 13 I had a large wart at the base of my right thumb nail. I would pick it all the time till it bleed, because I hated how it looked and felt. I remember one day I was out walking for miles, picking my wart as usual, out of habit, when I suddenly got an idea. I thought, if I try to love my wart instead of hating it, what will happen? You guessed it, it went away in a few weeks never to return.

Marty (Seattle, WA) on 11/05/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

As a child, I had persistant warts on my left hand, I had about 5-6 that wouldn't go away. My mother told me to rub a penny on them. So I did and they went away.

Gwen (Lakewood, CO) on 02/23/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

Hey, I like this remedy consideration... When I was a child living in rural area, I had this obcessive fasination with Frogs. At the end of Winter ponds would thaw with floating hibernating Frogs banking on the shore. I'd thaw them out, use them in Science Fair projects, watch them grow, & love them. Everyone said not to play with frogs because their "Pee" would grow Warts. AND I did have Warts all over my hands, & arms. I use to chew at them which drove everyone crazy. One weekend when I was visiting with one of my really cool aunts, she told me if I took a cotton thread in white & counted my Warts & add as many extra that you might think you missed, & tye that many knots in the thread. Bury it in the dirt & when the string roits your warts will be gone.....It worked for me, 8-9 years old. I've paid attention to "Voo Doo" remedies for years... Pretty interesting stuff. Good Luck!

William (Evans, GA) on 02/14/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

When I was a young teen, I had this huge wart on my knuckle for years. everytime I hit it on something it would bleed. One day while visiting my mother in law, she said to steal a washrag when no one was looking and bury it under a rock... Now I thought I had heard it all, but I tried it and within about two-three weeks the wart was gone.....I had tried for years to get rid of it and nothing worked....after the wart left I threw all the different medicines away....to this day I do not know how that worked but I do know it worked and even 50 years later I have never had another wart.

BJ (Everett, WA) on 01/24/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I was reading your voodoo section on warts. When I was a child, I hate an enormous wart on my wrist. My mom took me to the doctor and I had it burned off. It soon grew back to TWICE the size! I was horrified. Then my step-grandma told me to pop a vitamin E oil capsule and put that on it everyday with a bandaid and in ONE MONTH it will go away. I did it religously every night and it took my HUGE wart away, never to grow back again! I recommend it to everyone!
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Vickie (Fernandina Beach, FL) on 11/21/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

When I was 13 I too had a problem getting rid of warts on my hands. One day a family friend was visiting and noticed my hands. He instructed me to get a raw potato. He peeled the potato and cut it in half. He then had me take a bite of the raw potato, and rub my remaining potato on all of the warts. He took his half of potato and also rubbed it across all of my warts while chanting something in spanish. He told me to bury my half, not letting the location be known to anyone, and he would do the same. After we had buried the halves, he told me that once the potatoes dissolved, my warts would be gone. After two weeks the warts had disappeared! To this day they have never returned.
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