Unflavored Gelatin for Varicose Veins

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Mardi (Toronto) on 11/16/2017
5 out of 5 stars

I started taking gelatin for wrinkles and noticed my leg pain when I lie down at night is gone.
REPLY   5      

Lisa (Austin, Tx, Usa) on 12/28/2011
5 out of 5 stars

I used to have chronic pain from my varicose veins in my left leg but since taking one tablespoon of unflavored gelatin a day, the pain is gone. I dissolve it cold water and then add hot water and apple jelly and drink it. My nails and hair been growing fast also. Be sure to buy the unflavored gelatin as you don't want to be ingesting the ones in the Jello packets that have additives.