Natural Remedies for Varicose Veins: Effective and Holistic Approaches

Modified on Mar 09, 2024 | Earth Clinic Team

Varicose Vein Remedies

Dealing with varicose veins can be both uncomfortable and aesthetically displeasing. Fortunately, a variety of natural remedies offer effective relief without the need for invasive procedures. This comprehensive guide explores several holistic approaches, such as oil of cypress, nattokinase, horse chestnut, and dietary changes, providing those affected by varicose veins with practical, natural solutions.

Whether you're seeking to reduce discomfort, improve circulation, or minimize the appearance of varicose veins, this article offers valuable insights and tips to help manage and alleviate these common vein issues naturally and safely.

Oil of Cypress

Oil of Cypress is a highly regarded natural remedy for varicose veins. Known for its vasoconstricting properties, this essential oil can be applied topically to the affected areas. Regular use of cypress oil can help tighten the veins, reduce swelling, and enhance overall circulation, making it a valuable addition to the array of natural treatments for varicose veins.

In a post on Earth Clinic, Elin from The Hague, Netherlands, shared her family's struggle with varicose veins, a condition that affected her grandmother, mother, and herself.  Elin found significant relief using a homemade salve made from the essential oil of Cypress and Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) as a carrier. She applied this mixture, consisting of two tablespoons of VCO and 15 drops of Cypress oil , twice daily or more in warm weather or during extended periods of standing and walking. Applying the salve to her feet, calves, and thighs and massaging gently in an upward motion has greatly reduced fluid retention around her ankles and the heavy feeling in her legs.


Nattokinase, a natural enzyme, has shown promising results in managing varicose veins. Particularly beneficial for those who cannot take blood thinners, it helps reduce vein hardness and pain associated with varicose veins. Regular intake of Nattokinase supplements can lead to noticeable improvements in vein health and overall circulatory function.

Mandy from Queensland, in her post on Earth Clinic, reported remarkable benefits from using Nattokinase for her severe varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Despite a history of thromboses, heart attacks, and a stroke, and unable to take blood thinners, she found relief with Nattokinase, initially taking 4000 FU daily and increasing to 4x 4000 FU per day for three weeks. Alongside Vitamin K2 every other day, Mandy observed a significant reduction in her varicose veins, which became less hard and painful after about 35 years of chronic issues.

Apple Cider Vinegar

A staple in natural health, apple cider vinegar can be directly applied to the skin over varicose veins or ingested diluted in water. Its reputed benefits include reducing inflammation and swelling, potentially improving the condition and appearance of varicose veins.

Horse Chestnut Extract

Available as an oral supplement, horse chestnut extract is renowned for its vein-strengthening properties. It effectively reduces leg pain, heaviness, and itching, offering a natural approach to enhancing vein health and circulation.

Witch Hazel

Applying witch hazel to varicose veins has become a popular natural remedy. Its astringent properties are believed to tighten the skin and reduce the visibility of swollen veins, providing relief and cosmetic improvement.

Dietary Changes

Incorporating high-fiber foods and foods rich in flavonoids into your diet can play a pivotal role in managing varicose veins. These dietary adjustments help prevent constipation (reducing venous pressure) and improve blood circulation, thereby alleviating symptoms.

Regular Exercise

Engaging in low-impact exercises such as walking, swimming, and yoga improves blood circulation and reduces varicose vein symptoms. It's advisable to avoid high-impact activities that might worsen the condition.

Compression Stockings

Wearing compression stockings daily applies gentle pressure to the legs, aiding veins and leg muscles in moving blood more efficiently. This is a widely recommended and accessible approach for varicose vein management.

Grape Seed Extract

As a supplement, grape seed extract offers antioxidant benefits that support vein health. Its properties can help reduce swelling and strengthen vein walls.

Incline Bed Therapy

Incline bed therapy, a simple yet effective natural remedy, entails raising the head of your bed approximately 15 to 30 degrees. This modest inclination aids in enhancing circulation and lessening the pressure in the leg veins. Notably, this therapy has been recognized for improving blood flow, diminishing swelling, and alleviating the discomfort associated with varicose veins.


Adopting these natural remedies offers a multifaceted approach to managing varicose veins. From incline bed therapy to nutritional and lifestyle adjustments, each method alleviates symptoms and improves vein health. Consulting with a healthcare provider before starting any new treatment is essential for safe and effective varicose vein management.

Keep reading below to discover various home and folk remedies for varicose veins our readers recommend. Among these, apple cider vinegar stands out as the most popular treatment. Our Earth Clinic community has also shared and discussed other remedies like serrapeptase, dried basil, horse chestnut, butcher's broom herbs, oil pulling, and unflavored gelatin.

If you decide to try any of these varicose vein remedies, we'd love to hear about your experience. Also, if you know of any effective treatments not mentioned here, please share them with us!

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List of Remedies for Varicose Veins