Horse Chestnut And Castor Oil for Varicose Veins

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Teena (Melbourne, Australia) on 08/08/2021
5 out of 5 stars

I have suffered unsightly varicose veins on my lower legs since pregnancy, but they've never given me pain. Then I suddenly found myself unable to walk one morning and one of the pronounced veins was extra swollen, bruised and extremely sore to touch.

As an acute case, I took 9 capsules of Horse Chestnut that day, spaced out 3 with each mealtime. I attempted massage with castor oil but it was too painful, I ended up just applying and wrapping the oil into my leg loosely and limped off to work that night. But the following day while still painful to touch I was able to walk normally and by day three the vein was back to normal varicose state and I reduced the dose to 6 a day until all tenderness and bruising resolved.