Bill Thompson's Remedies for Vaginal Itching

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Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 01/30/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Hi Rs... When I had candida and, amongst all my other myriad symptoms, I also had psoriasis, eczma, chronic athletes foot(for over 20 years) and jock itch as persistent but localized fungal skin problems. All I did was to simply assume, after much thought and research, that I had the systemic or disseminated form of Candida. I used my own protocols based on Ted's remedies and managed to cure this systemic candida form completely. Its been six years since I cured myself of candida -- and not a sign of any candida ever returning and all my fungal skin probems just disappeared on their own andhave also never returned.

The point I'm making is this. If you ever only try topical remedies for your vaginitis problem, and it keeps coming back no matter what you try to do then what does this tell you?

It should tell you that your problem is not just a topical localized problem. Vaginitis is well known to occur and associate frequently together with candida. And the fact that using boric acid topically inside your vagina reduces your symptoms(but doesn't ultimately cure your problem -- it only accomodates the symptoms where it is applied) also tells me that you must have an internal sytemic or disseminated fungal candida problem in your body. Borax and boric acid, as their primary action, are mainly strong fungal killers and weak bacterial killers.

So if the topical remedies don't ultimately cure a problem that seems to be so obviously associated with a fungal problem -- then the next strategy you should adopt is to attack and remove the candida and other infections that are still resident inside your body -- in your blood and organs.

That's the only way that you will achieve a proper cure for your bacterial vaginitis problem -- attack the candida and vaginitis inside your body(not just topically).

I would consider having a serious look at the cures in the Natural Cures for Candida section as a way of curing your vaginitis and candida problems.

By the way, you heard me right. When I went on my candida protocol and after I cured myself -- my psoriasis just disappeared. Doctors and the Merck Manual catagorically state that psoriasis cannot be cured. They also state that psoriasis is a pre-cancerous condition. Like I've already said, my psoriasis just disappeared and its stayed gone for the last 6 years. I have no reason to lie about this.

Can anyone guess why the psoriasis just disappeared?

Because the doctors have got it all wrong(how unusual!! ). I think the reason is fairly clear -- my anti-fungal, anti-candida protocol got rid of it because my own psoriasis problem was actually caused by my candida. Furthermore, I would suggest and conclude that psoriasis isn't the pre-cancerous culprit at all - but I would suggest that candida is the real pre-cancerous culprit here.

Although I haven't gone into any heavy explanations for this -- my own anti-candida protocol on EC was really designed to get rid of a wide spectrum of pathogens that are normally always found associating with candida problems -- including specific and wide action against bacteria, viruses, fungus, mycoplasma and some parasites.

Many people perhaps dislike my protocol because it seems so complex. Usually the people who contact me by email have quite serious end-stage fungal problems and are absolutely desperate and I will always try and help. In almost every instance of using this protocol and diet, this protocol has succeeded. It only failed once when their were problems with availability of nutrients and the sufferer suddenly left the protocol because of stress for awhile. I stayed with him and kept in contact and eventually he went back on a modified nutrient and herbal protocol until he eventually cured himself of candida.

I've already mentioned how an African woman who took this protocol for candida and who had a whole host of other apparently horrific unrelated diseases. 6 months later on this protocol and she emailed me to report that she was now perfectly healthy.

I've recently been advising a man from Indonesia who is on the anti-candida protocol. I advised him to take it easy and start slow supplementing the lugols iodine. His next email arrived and he stated casually that he was now taking 6 drops of iodine 5 times a day and I was horrified!! But this iodine dose seemed to do him no harm at all -- no ill effects or symptoms. I must also add here that the African woman that I mentioned earlier did the same thing(she was desperate!! ) -- she was taking about 32 drops of iodine a day with no ill effects.

So how can these sufferers from under-developed countries take such a high dose of iodine every day whereas sufferers from western developed countries can barely take one drop of lugols iodine without a severe reaction?

I wondered about this higher lugols iodine dosage and did some more research. I read that before the Second World War iodine was regularly recommended by doctors at the time for various ailments in what would be regarded now as huge and poisonous doses today. In these times, iodine was used frequently by doctors at relatively high dosages -- huge and poisonous scream the modern medical fraternity of today!! -- for instance to help cure chronic forms of bronchitis, asthma and emphysema at doses of 300 drops a day(2000 mgs/day). Syphilis was successfully treated by a per diem lugols iodine dose of 20 gms a day!! This is medically recorded historic fact that anyone can look up on the internet.

And then the answer to this weird problem suddenly struck me right betwen the eyes. The reason people from Indonesia and Africa can take such high doses of lugols iodine is because their natural diets are much healthier, their crops are grown on healthier unpolluted soils than in the West. Of course!! Their food therefore contains less heavy metals and poisons, their natural diets are better, so, as compared to the poisonous western diets, their accumulaation of pesticides, heavy metals etc in their bodies would be much less than happens with people in the west who eat chemically processed food and water every day. And the same argument goes for western pre-World War 2 diets - much healthier food than today!! The iodine generally causes a heavy metals detox reaction in the body which can indeed give severe and strange symptoms -- because iodine very efficiently removes aluminium, lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic fom the cellsinto the blood -- so these symptoms, arising in someone from Indonesia or Africa, would be far less severe than the detox reaction(similar to the Herx effect) for any western person in a developed country supplementing lugols iodine in the west.

Similarly, the modern medical fraternity advise that a lugols dosage of greater the 1 mg or 2 mgs is poisonous to the thyroid. This seems to radically contradict the pre-war evidence. But another reason for this is the body's lack of anti-oxidants in the modern processed food diet. Dr Guy Abraham, from the Iodine Project has explained this apparent anomally through his own research. On conversion of thyroglobulin to T3 and T4, hydrogen peroxide(HP) - a pro-oxidant -- is quite naturally produced as a by-product inside the thyroid cells. But if the cell lacks an anti-oxidant enzyme -- glutathione peroxidase -- to mop up and neutralize the excss HP-- then the inevitable excess build up of HP in the cell will eventually helps to destroy the cell and it also changes the thyroglobulin as a protein -- too such an extent that the blood's anti-bodies see these altered thyroglobulin particles as dangerous foreign protein bodies, which are then attacked by the anti-bodies with accompanying cell damage and thyroid nodule formation as a result of this complex interaction.

Notably, neither the Indonesian man nor the African woman that I helped never suffered at all from thyroiditis caused by high iodine supplementation. The obvious reason for this must be that they were eating healthier and more natural diets -- no processed food -- that was high in anti-oxidants. So their higher anti-oxidant levels could more easily cope with the high iodine intake. But in the case of western people who eat polluted processed food and water every day -- this is why they have such a problem with lugols iodine supplementtion -- because there are not enough anti-oxidants -- and particularly the anti-oxidants that help form glutathione peroxidase -- in their diet.

The Liver Support Protocol that I always advise with the anti-candida protocol contains ALA, cysteine and Selenium and Milk Thistle -- which all promotes increased formation of both glutathione and glutathione peroxidase in the human body. So not only does this Liver Support Protocol support and protect the liver -- it also supports thyroid recovery as well.