Multiple Remedies for Spinal Stenosis

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Shirley M (Arizona) on 05/10/2023
5 out of 5 stars

An MRI 5 years ago showed no more cushion between two lowest disks after years of ranching. When I broke ribs from a fall, I began sleeping in a recliner so I could get up. I discovered that I could just stand up and walk across the room instead of hobbling down the hall. The lack of continuous pressure on that area of my back because of the gap where the chair bends has made all the difference in pain and stiffness. In contrast, my walking buddy, a retired nurse, has had three back surgeries and still fights continual pain. I just got a new bed... A new recliner!
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Nancy Lee (NC) on 02/21/2018
5 out of 5 stars

Spinal Stenosis and Bone Spurs; I was diagnosed with those on my lumbar spine. Doctors could not help me. I did some research and found several items to use. I am taking Serrapetase 80.000 spu 2 pills a day, plus Heckla Lava 5 pellets a day, Calcarea Fluor 4 pellets a day and Dr. Christopher complete bone and tissue formula.

The pain before was excrutiating and 10 days later is 80 less and I believe I am on the way to be cured. Before that I went to 2 different chiropractors and had accupuncture and did not help. Two of those supplements are homeopathic meds very good.

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Loleese (Denver, Co) on 06/21/2014
5 out of 5 stars

I've been diagnosed with Cervical Spinal Stenosis at C5&6, a couple of bulging disks and osteoarthritis. The pain is intense, radiating from my shoulder down my arm, into my elbow, wrists and muscles into my fingers. The muscles are tight, the joints ache and my fingers and hand become pins and needles, swollen and feel like their being slammed In a door. I can't make a fist. The pain is into the bone.

I have found tremendous relief using MSM 1000mg 3x/day. Grapeseed extract-200mg 3xs daily and Wobensyme N which is an enzyme formula to address inflammation and joint support, 4 tablets three times a day or as needed. Aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen and naproxen were completely ineffective. With these three I am almost pain free!

i no longer sleep on my side, I support my neck with a neck roll. My plan to avoid surgery is this: yoga, swimming and masssage, hot castor oil packs applied to my neck. I recently discovered Lions Mane might help with nerve regeneration and heard that Rose Hip Vital might help too.

thanks EarthClinic! I love this website.

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Anne (Cairns, Qld, Australia) on 07/15/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Last year my husband was suffering from a chronic case of spinal stenosis. Bone on bone in his lower back and severe osteoarthritis. He was told by one chiro to go get back surgery. Then as luck would have it he saw another chiro who specialises in this painful condition. I also got him on to Glucosamine/ Chondroiton/ MSM powder supplement. Plus Rose Hip Vital powder supplement. He also takes one high dose krill oil a day and co Q 10 enzyme plus 2 tablespoons of ACV with manuka honey morning and night. His condition is at least 80% improved on last year. He also has an inversion bed that is used occasionally to keep the joints open to allow blood flow and enable healing. I truly believe this combination of natural things has made all the difference and I can still see gradual improvement as time goes by.