Saline Rinse for Sinus Infections

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Renee (Lakewood) on 02/11/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

I started using saline nasal spray multiple times throughout the day when my sinuses start acting up. I have severe problems with dryness and vertigo and the saline really helps!
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Barbara (USA) on 01/11/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

I learned this from an Aunt who had been dealing with sinus infections for years. It works for me too. I put a little salt in the palm of my hand, mix with warm water, plug one nostril and sniff the water & salt solution up. Repeat for the other nostril. It works.
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Tish (Granger) on 12/19/2005:
5 out of 5 stars

Please, please, please add this recommendation: gargling with salt water and flushing your nose/sinuses out with salt water helps with sinus/allergy and headaches. Take 1/2 tsp salt and 8oz warm water. Gargle first then you can use a waterpic device from the drugstore, or get a little device like you use to suction out a babies nose. Fill with saltwater and shoot it up the nose. Don't inhale, just relax and let it go though the nasal cavity. This really relieved all my sinus/allergy problems (in addition to using acv.)
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Genine (Santa Clarita, CA) on 03/01/2004:
5 out of 5 stars

I saw the remedy for a sinus infection which included a coffe cup of warm water and a pinch od salt. Then to breathe it up each nostril and blow. I also saw someone who included baking soda. So, I took a small cup of warm water, about 1/2 tsp of salt and baking soda, and took it up each nostril out of the palm of my hand. My left nostril was completely clogged and though a barely got some up it, it loosened what was there and I then repeated it until I could breathe from both nostrils. The pressure on my cheek bones is lessening already. Thank you so much for this website.
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Iris (Syracuse, NY) on 03/01/2004:
5 out of 5 stars

Over 6 years ago I stopped consuming all dairy products after I had struggled with chronic sinusitis On occasion there is dairy in my food without my knowing and to cure the sinus infection (even a full blown infection) I mix up a warm salt water and rinse out sinuses. It's gross, but by doing this three times a day I will have rid myself of the fever and infection all together in just a couple of days. It's brilliant and easy and cheap!
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