Apple Cider Vinegar for Sinus Infections

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Suzy (New York, US) on 11/10/2014:
5 out of 5 stars

I've been dealing with a sinus infection for a week or more. Haven't had one in years, but I'd also not been eating any wheat, sugar, or much dairy, and then I did, and got sick. Turned into a sinus infection. Saline helped but didn't give the relief that the Apple Cider vinegar has. It's also seeming to dry out all the copious mucus. I think I might be able to work out tonight without bursting into tears because of the head/sinus pain. Hanging upside down during circus training, and sinus infections don't mix! If I totally get rid of this, I'll try to post my good results.
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Sporty Pam (Toronto) on 10/15/2014:
5 out of 5 stars

Apple cider vinegar for sinus infections: Yes it works ... you can do ACV with some honey and it slowly clears you out. Just be patient and it works. I get lots of sinus infections so it was great to not have to take antibiotics. Suggest you also do the Neti pot with the salt as that clears out the existing congestion and ACV thins out the new stuff.
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Jeanne (Los Angeles) on 05/13/2014:
5 out of 5 stars

Apple cider vinegar for sinus infections works very well because it alkalizes pH in such a big way. I used to get sinus infections about 4 times a year thanks to the air quality in LA. Now I get one only if I've caught a virus, so about once a year. I attribute that to drinking ACV in water at least once a day. I keep a bottle hidden under my desk in the office for those Santa Ana windy days that really kick up my sinus inflammation!
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Bessie (Westport, Connecticut, Usa) on 04/10/2014:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been using apple cider vinegar for allergies and sinus infections for 30 years now. I read about it in DC Jarvis' book Folk Medicine a long time ago and always have a bottle on hand. It is a very effective home remedy. I often steam with it for sinus congestion. I also drink 2 teaspoons of vinegar in warm water twice a day during flu season.
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Lynn (Houston, Texas) on 01/23/2014:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been suffering with a sinus infection for the last four days, I just tried the Apple cider vinegar with honey and warm water and what a relief. I can actually breath out of my nose!!!! I also took the warm glass and rolled it against my face as I breathed in the steam, that really seemed to relax me and I feel so much better!!! Thanks Earth Clinic
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Jon Mccarty (Thailand) on 11/12/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

Improvement for me. I have tried apple cider vinegar before a long time ago and then forgot about it. Last night, after reading this site, tried again and was first time I could sleep on me back and breath through my nose in ages.

Helped with the current sinus infection after a couple of hours and after another dose in the morning, have been breathing not completely clear, but much better today.

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Lisa (Alaska) on 08/08/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

This is fantastic. The pressure is almost gone and I'm draining.

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Elena (Madrid) on 03/18/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

Apple Cider Vinegar really works for sinus! I've been treated with antibiothics several times but it keept coming back... Reading your posts I decided to give a try to the Apple Cider Vinegar remedy and congestion was gone in minutes, no signs of sinus two days after! I feel good and relieved. Thanks!
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Barry (Canton, Ga) on 03/09/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

WOW, just wow. Apple cider vinegar cleared my sinus infection OVERNIGHT. Unbelievable. Wish I'd known this years ago.

Here's what I did:

Two tablespoons ACV, followed by forced liquids till bedtime. And, I mean FORCED. I drank about two gallons of water in a four hour period. This morning, I can breathe through both sides of nose, fever gone, no more pressure.

This is a truly amazing and simple cure that actually WORKS OVERNIGHT. And it only cost me .98. ACV and forced liquids... you got to try this.

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Californiacait (Edmonton, Alberta) on 02/25/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

I had been suffering the last three days with a Sinus infection and spent over 30 dollars on over the counter Sinus meds and sprays only to get temperary relief. I finally gave in and went to the doctor, who only gave me yet again, another nose spray and a perscription for an antibiotic (basically 8 capsules of cultivated mold) for 50 dollars... I don't know about you guys but I don't have 50 dollars to drop on my nose. But thank god I found the Apple Cider Tonic on this site, and within less then 30 minutes I could breathe through my nose again. Thankyou earth clinic, I'm going to continue using this treatment with a little less ACV though to see how it fairs againt my allergies. <3
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