Neem Oil for Shingles

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Rita (Merritt Island, FL) on 12/20/2022
5 out of 5 stars

Neem Oil works! My husband is 56 and noticed blisters last week. He had them once before in his late teens. I looked here for recommendations and found Neem Oil. I actually had recently purchased some organic cold pressed Neem oil and applied it to the blisters 2- 3x a day. Its not even been a week - today he saw the dermatologist who confirmed its already healing. My husband said its not only helping dry the blisters, but also helps with the pain. So glad I checked on Earth Clinic Website. This is so awesome. A few years ago I searched for a strep throat remedy and the Cayenne pepper gargle took care of that too!
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Rodney (Qld ) on 03/08/2022
5 out of 5 stars

I have had a shingle on my forehead for about 4 years. I have tried most of the remedies mentioned to no good result, I did get a little improvement using Probiotics. I tried to get Lacto Bacilus but couldn't get any.

One post mentioned Neem Cream so I got a jar from India but it took a couple of months to arrive. Well, I've been applying it with my index finger three to four times a day for the past week. Just a slight amount on my finger. Well. it has worked miraculously! It seems that it will be gone within another week. It seems oily but no more than a good quality facial skin care which the skin absorbs enhancing the effect.

In my infection I had quite a large scab. Neem reduced the scab and broke it up into several small scabs and clear healthy skin arrived between the scabs. It was somewhat tender at first but that has reduced significantly.

It's been several years since the horrific fire I was caught in that caused the shingle.