Herbs for Shingles

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Ernest (Newcastle, Nsw Australia) on 03/23/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I have suffered with shingles for three years on the left hand side of my face the pain has been debilitating, but I have just found a treatment that has eased that pain. That treatment is a bottle of essential oil called hypericum oil, I rub it into the painful areas twice a day. Hypericum oil is oil of saint johns wort.

Susanfrommontreal (Montreal, Canada) on 03/17/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Shingles: My husband had a severe case of shingles 3 years ago all over his upper body that lasted 3 months. The only way he could sleep was to wrap ice in a towel. We finally found a Dr who recommended a 9 step treatment at the hospital (injections in the spine) that finally worked along with a cream compound (xylotaine)

The shingles are back again (no more cream) but on his face this time. I had an herbal infusion made at a local shop that I read about with oak bark, sage, lady's mantle, oats, sweet clover& chamomile that I boilled, let cool and he used it as a compress. Itching gone. So far, so good.


Dan (Bisbee, Arizona) on 07/04/2011
5 out of 5 stars

Hello, I want to suggest goldenseal tincture as a remedy for shingles. It tends to sting a bit but really helps to alieviate my symptoms. Also works on mouth sores and funky gums. I aply it topically and in the case of mouth problems I swish it around as long as I can then swallow it. One dropper is enough.