Dave Thomas Shingles Protocol for Shingles

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Raeanne (Anchorage, Alaska) on 02/19/2018
5 out of 5 stars

Dave's Shingle Protocol:

This mixture worked so well for me. I had shingles on my face, neck, head and behind my ears. My Dr. gave me a herpes medication, then I decided to google remedies. I found this site. This was 4 years ago. I looked thru all the remedies and went with this one. My Dr. told me NOT to put the cayenne on my shingles. I decided it couldn't possible hurt worse, so I followed all the instructions Dave lists. I had my husband apply it. Almost immediately, the cayenne made the pain go away. I slept with the paste on and a scarf over my head. I awoke, and to my surprise all the blisters had burst and were starting to heal. Every time the paste dried, I washed it with warm water and reapplied it.

By the 2nd day of treatment, all I had were some bumps that had smoothed over. I continued the treatment for another day.

On the 3rd day, there was no pain, no redness and the bumps did last for another 2 weeks, but they were gone from my face, mostly behind my ears. In 3 days I felt normal again. I can't thank Dave enough for sharing this treatment. I have shared it several times since I had shingles to entire towns even. I always recommend people come to this site for that ailment and look at other remedies too, but I had complete success with Dave's protocol.

Thank you so much Dave, you saved me so much agony.

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Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 09/28/2011
5 out of 5 stars

I have found the cayenne is a key to killing the virus. We know the virus runs along the nerve. My favorite transport is DMSO. I believe the cayenne acts to "cauterize" the virus. However cayenne works, it kills the virus. Because you have to get it down to the nerve, DMSO is a great solvent as well as an anti-oxident and carrier. (Thus, make sure your hands are clean and the area of application is clean when you use DMSO. ) By the way, the younger shingles sufferer will be able to overcome shingles better than the older because the immune system can fight off the virus better.

To keep the cayenne from burning the skin I also add natural vitamin E. This must be the natural d-alpha tocopherol and not the synthetic E. Then I add any other herbal to "thicken" the mixture to make into a paste if needed. The paste should be very moist but not drippy.

I also add a dozen drops of colloidal silver to make sure the virus is killed.

So my anti shingles paste formula sufficent for two applications, one on day one, then skipping a day use a second time is as follows:

10 capsules of cayenne

10 capsules of natural vitamin E

20 drops of colloidal silver

20 drops of DMSO

any herbal/ corn meal etc to make the liquid more paste like as needed. Put into a bowl and mix until paste like.

Apply on top of affected areas. Let dry until the paste has hardened and is flaking off the skin. I even suggest if applied at night, after drying, put on a tea shirt and just let the paste fully incorporate overnight. Shower off in the morning. You will see the blisters have changed color from a bright red to a rust color... Part of the healing process. Even if the "blisters"are healed over, apply over sensitive spots. This will work to kill the virus even after months where the skin is healed back but pain remains. The pain is there because the virus still lives. This has worked so well... I would say 40 times... I am not a doctor of course, but when the regular medical community fails sometimes logical remedies work.

I also recommend that if one really wants to help the whole system fight the virus, take the cayenne orally, with food to avoid too much stomach burn, along with the natural vitamin E. Do this for a month. (I take these two as part of my own nutrient formula every day... 800 iu of the E and one capsule of cayenne.)

And so much of what is on this wonderful website is good science and good logic. Oh, of course be very careful if applying this formula to the face if the shingles are there; keep out of eyes.