Bleach for Shingles

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Showing 1 Star Reviews

Josie (Columbia, Maryland) on 11/22/2012
1 out of 5 stars

I thought my case of shingles was poison oak and put cortisone cream on for two days as that had cleared up a case of poison oak (that I had for 2-3 months) in 3-4 days. But the cortisone was not working so I went to see my doctor and he said I had shingles. I had experienced more blistering from putting diluted clorox on my poison oaked areas and I smelled like clorox too all day long. This was a popular remedy I saw on the internet. So I was glad when I got the cortisone cream to heal my poison oak. Now I will have to be as persisitenet with this shingles. It's been the year of rashes for me.

The reason I mention the diluted clorox is that the dermatologist my doctor consulted with also on the shingles recommended a diluted clorox bath but I think it could spread the blisters like it did with the poison oak so I am not going to try this.