Borax And Hydrogen Peroxide Soak for Scabies

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Terry ( Ont) on 06/14/2023
5 out of 5 stars

Well well I tried it for 3 days and it's working dried them up so fast and I went through well over 15 bottles of permethrin it's junk didn't work suffered with this for 3 years 3 days of this borax and peroxide and problem cured thankyou so much
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Truemermaid (Al) on 07/01/2018
5 out of 5 stars

After one year with dealing with scabies the only thing we found to work for my husband's dry skin was Ted's remedy for pet mange. 50/50 peroxide and borax left on the skin overnight. Overnight was the key because borax bath soaks that cleared the other members of our household during reinfestations were not absolving the problem for him. Thus, every few days he would need to repeat treatment to avoid reinvesting the household. Permethrin (bought from local farm store) repelled mites from our furniture but did not kill immediately (3 days in non-humid environment). We tried both ivermectin and moxidectin however both repelled but did not eliminate the problem.

One method I found to help with clothing, especially shoes and belts, was freezing them for at least 10 minutes. Extreme changes in temperatures kill the mites but hot baths were too drying on my husband's skin and made the problem worse. His flaky dry skin was harboring the bugs and one peroxide/borax treatment overnight ended our war!

I hope this helps anyone dealing with this and know you are not dirty for keeping scabies. There is not enough information or research from the local USA doctor community to help adults with this disease.

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Smittymom (Des Moines, LA) on 04/09/2014
5 out of 5 stars

I just wanted to comment on the Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide post. You have saved my sanity!!! I have 4 kids under 9 and we think my husband brought home scabies from work. It has been a horrible experience! Especially for our 15 month old who was struggling terribly-up hours at night screaming etc. I was desperate. After several internet search attempts I found this site. I did not want to use Ivermectin and Permethrin creams-so I tried several home remedies--lots of coconut oil (which my 15mo old reacted to so we had to switch her to grapeseed oil-worked great) We used those carrier oils for the young living's Thieves oil-which worked great for relief-but didn't cure. We also used Naturasil stuff-lavender/sulfer soap, tea tree oil soak, the sulfer lotion, and the spray to kill stuff--along with washing everything-everyday. All of those things helped-and maybe even cured my husband--but my baby girl had nests all over-and head to toe rash--she was in misery. Not until we started the hydrogen peroxide/borax soak did she truly see results--and I saw them the first day!!!!! It was amazing!!! I only used about 1/3 c borax and 1/4 c. hydrogen peroxide for her--borax is hard on skin so be careful! Will really dry out. for myself I followed the 1c borax and 1/2 c Hydrogen peroxide. We so far have done 2 nights of borax baths and this is the first day I can say she has no new spots and the old ones are fading fast. It's been 10 days of hell for us (my husband started itching 2 months ago) but the last week and a half were awful.

I also made up a spray bottle of about 20oz warm water and added 2 Tbs borax and 2Tbs hydrogen peroxide. I spray this all over my house and when I have an itch I put it on my skin and let it dry there. After that I still use the coconut oil (2Tbs melted) with 4-5drops of Thieves oil-its got clove in it--and I put that on the itchy spots as well. We also put the tea tree oil in the baths at night as well-we then air dry to let the oil and borax stay on our skin. After that I cover in the coconut oil I have found some very dry/leathery like spots on my skin after borax-but its so much better than a scabies itch-so I will lotion or oil up. We also put borax in all our laundry loads washing everything on super hot (we turned our hot water heater all the way up) and drying everything completely (and putting all pillows in the dryer daily for 20-30min)

We will continue the nightly bath ritual (which takes about 4 hours for 6 people it seems). For a few more days at least-until the baby is completely healed-and then we will probably do every 2-3 days for awhile just in case-I'm not risking re-infection--this has been a nightmare.

This was an AMAZING find!! Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide made all the difference for the cure!!!! Thank You Thank You thank you!!! Getting our lives back. :)

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Jaime (San Francisco Ca.) on 01/30/2014
5 out of 5 stars

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak really works for scabies.
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Earthdweller (Mo) on 12/23/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Hi, I actually discovered EC back in '08 and have come here several times of the intervening years. I wish there were a better way to vote on posts aside from yea & nay, but the site has great value nontheless.

The reason for my post is to say THANK YOU, THANK YOU THANK YOU TED! For this remedy. I was actually looking for a remedy for scabies when I came across this.

I've been suffering from this since October but now I have real hope. MDs won't help, search engines obscure results in favor for establishment treatments that don't work and cost boo-kew bucks, and that is simply ridiculous and downright psychopathic in this information age. Just shows how screwed up values are in this country.

Last night at my wits end I decided to try yet another internet search for something, anything to make some progress on this problem. When I found this I immediately checked to see if I had any h202 around. I had 3oz of 3%, so diluted made 10.5oz to which I added 1.5 tbls of Borax.

After showering the 3% permethrin off of me I'd been wearing for 4 days (yes I know that's bad), and applying the borax/h202 solution to my poor tortured body, I felt tingling, stinging where I tried it on my lower leg. After giving myself a rather nasty burn from using a self made concoction of sulfur powder+vaseline+cayenne extract, I only did the worst spot to see what happened. After a few minutes the stinging went away entirely so I proceeded to another spot. Same response, so I repeated this over my entire body. The stinging is a bit uncomfortable but it doesn't last long and it tells you the solution is working.

I felt great and was able to fall asleep quickly, although I was pretty confident I would reinfest myself getting from the bathroom to the bed. Sure enough, I awoke about 2 hrs later with a couple of itchy areas. I was hoping it might just be the result of ultra dry skin, but it wasn't. So after 30 minutes passed without being able to fall asleep again I arose and went straight to the bathroom to see how bad the re-infestation was. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be.

So I showered off the old borax and had just enough to reply. The stinging was there again but not as severe or long lasting. But I knew this would be a sure cure if I could clean up my environment. Although I tried to be careful after the 2nd treatment I was highly confident I would be re-infested before I could leave the house to replenish supplies and mount a serious effort to evict the little buggers with borax.

When I returned home that afternoon I could feel some of the itching return, though FAR FAR less than before. Although I was dog tired and need to get some sleep I knew what would happen if I tried before carefully and thoroughly cleaning everything.

I have sprayed a solution of borax & water on the waterbed (no bedding on it), the carpets and in the bathroom. I'm waiting for it to dry before hoping in the shower to apply the 3rd round of borax / h2o2 solution.

This time I used a large garbage bag and unloaded the dryer directly into it. I sure hope I've cleaned those dang things out of here and tonight will be first night of restful sleep. Trying to decide whether to shower first or get the bedding ready to sleep on.

Anyway, I'm now confident I have the knowledge & tools to overcome this ordeal and get on with my life one again.


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Justin (Melbourne, Florida) on 06/07/2012
5 out of 5 stars

After two rounds of Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide I am feeling much better, keeping with the treatment, relief feels great after days of getting worse. Thanks!
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Liz (Riverside, Calif) on 10/28/2011
5 out of 5 stars

Thanking God for this site, I had scabies, tried the cream that the Dr. gave me, two treatments one week apart, well it did not work, I was desperate and found your site. I used 2 cups of borax with 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide in a hot bath 2 times a day for 2 weeks. Soaked for 30 minutes, dipped my head for the first 5 minutes of the bath. Scabies are totally gone! My Dr says I just drowned the bugs, but I had such fast relief, the first night I slept with no itching! I don't care what the dr. says, this cured me.

P. S. I did invest in a steamer and was obsessed with cleaning for the 2weeks, and I washed bedding everyday and never wore the same thing twice without washing. Good luck to all you people fighting these little critters, try this it works! Thank you Earth Clinic.

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Scabies Are Curable (Minneapolis, Minnesota) on 07/30/2011
5 out of 5 stars

Well, I thought I allergic to my yards of new material when I discovered we all were infected by scabies.... What a nightmare!!! The prescription doesn't work!!! The pharmaceutical company for the medication most likely set off the epidemic for profit. But I tried Bleach, the prescription medication etc... I did bath using Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide on all the children all 5 of them, my husband and myself. We seen little black specs in the water and if you look at a scabie photo they look like that... Anyways, we are sticking with washing everything in borax and hot water and bathing in the solution for the next couple of days and nobody has had an allergic reaction. The itching stopped immediately and it was a relief.... and for those of you lying about the borax and hydrogen peroxide treatment tell your pharmaceutical company to quit profitting off the misery of others and step up the medication dosage to eliminate the problem....
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Deb (London, Ky. Usa) on 12/06/2010
5 out of 5 stars

I have a 9 month old grand-daughter which has had blisters on the bottoms of her feet for over 3 months now. It started out a blister on the mouth, which was diagnosed as Foot-Hand-Mouth disease. After a month of the blisters moving from her mouth to her hands and feet, her pediatrician decided it wasn't FHM disease and wanted to treat her for Psoriasis. After another month of treatment for Psoriasis, no cure. The blisters were still there and new ones coming on a daily basis. She even had one huge blister in her head. Her pediatrician treated her for scabies, yes the perm cream. Not only did I treat her, but I treated everyone of the family members that are around the baby and have any contact with her. Yes I bought the meds for all family members on both sides of the families so she wouldn't suffer. It didn't work. I even had my white carpet steam cleaned along with my sofa. Still blisters were popping up on a daily basis. The dermatologist also treated her for scabies, even though the scraping test came back negative for scabies, he wanted to treat her for them. So another perm treatment and still blisters popping up overnight.

I came to the internet for research on scabies and found this site. I read for a treatment on the critters and found the Peroxide and borax treatment. Now, I'm not sure if it was scabies or not, but my 9 month old grand-daughter sure loves me for getting rid of her itchy, red, infectious blisters on the bottoms of her feet and bosy. I used about 1/2 cup borax and 1/2 cup peroxide in as warm water as she could stand, and I soaked her in it for about 5-10 minutes once daily for 2 days. Afterwards, I let her air dry in a very warm house and left it on her for about 2 hours and then gave her a bath in olive oil soap, which I had purchased because the dermatologist said she was allergic to coconut oil. Which she is not. After the bath with theolive oil soap ($1.50 a bar), I rinsed her off with fresh water and patted her dry, and then rubbed her down with extra virgin olive oil and proceeded to pat her dry again. Her blisters are now all gone and her skin is soft without any harm to her body as those poisonous creams the doctors were prescribing for her.

An old lady probably in her 90's had mentioned to me before I came here for help about using virgin olive oil on her and all of her ailments would disappear. I was skeptical, Not anymore, Thanks old lady from wal-mart check-out line. I appreciate you and this site for the cure of my granddaughter's feet!!! I was careful to not let her get any of the bathing solution in her mouth and eyes too. She has an appointment in 2 days with the doctor and the dermatologist on the same day. I will mention this solution for whatever it was ailing my baby...

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Run Scabies Runminneapollis (Minneapolis, Mn) on 11/12/2010
5 out of 5 stars

For Head Lice use what our great grandparents used: MAYONNAISE!!! It gets in their lungs and makes them explode plus it makes it easier to pull out the eggs. Good luck!
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