Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak for Scabies

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Scabies Are Curable (Minneapolis, Minnesota) on 07/30/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

Well, I thought I allergic to my yards of new material when I discovered we all were infected by scabies.... What a nightmare!!! The prescription doesn't work!!! The pharmaceutical company for the medication most likely set off the epidemic for profit. But I tried Bleach, the prescription medication etc... I did bath using Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide on all the children all 5 of them, my husband and myself. We seen little black specs in the water and if you look at a scabie photo they look like that... Anyways, we are sticking with washing everything in borax and hot water and bathing in the solution for the next couple of days and nobody has had an allergic reaction. The itching stopped immediately and it was a relief.... and for those of you lying about the borax and hydrogen peroxide treatment tell your pharmaceutical company to quit profitting off the misery of others and step up the medication dosage to eliminate the problem....
REPLY   7      

Teresa (Kissimmee, Florida, Us) on 01/24/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

Hi, my husband and I have been doing the peroxide / borax baths for 2 days now. When we started he had no hair on his chest, legs and face, along with red bumps all over. Since we have been doing the baths he looks horrible! I want to cry everytime I see him. He has scabs and sores all over him, he is lethargic and smells. The oozing has stopped and they look like red scabs all over a bare body. Is this normal? is this a its going to look worse before it gets better? He had this problem a few months back and I gave him a couple baths with the peroxide and borax and he healed right up. But not this time..... Please help! We are struggling to put food on the table for our kids, so right now a vet is not an option.

Tee (Marietta, Ga) on 01/22/2011:
1 out of 5 stars

This did not work for me at all. As a matter of fact, I believe this caused the mites to spread. After having rashes in one area for four months, within days after starting the soaks, I started to get bites on my back and sides And even on my face. I also did not see any improvement with my original rash.

Deb (London, Ky. Usa) on 12/06/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

I have a 9 month old grand-daughter which has had blisters on the bottoms of her feet for over 3 months now. It started out a blister on the mouth, which was diagnosed as Foot-Hand-Mouth disease. After a month of the blisters moving from her mouth to her hands and feet, her pediatrician decided it wasn't FHM disease and wanted to treat her for Psoriasis. After another month of treatment for Psoriasis, no cure. The blisters were still there and new ones coming on a daily basis. She even had one huge blister in her head. Her pediatrician treated her for scabies, yes the perm cream. Not only did I treat her, but I treated everyone of the family members that are around the baby and have any contact with her. Yes I bought the meds for all family members on both sides of the families so she wouldn't suffer. It didn't work. I even had my white carpet steam cleaned along with my sofa. Still blisters were popping up on a daily basis. The dermatologist also treated her for scabies, even though the scraping test came back negative for scabies, he wanted to treat her for them. So another perm treatment and still blisters popping up overnight.

I came to the internet for research on scabies and found this site. I read for a treatment on the critters and found the Peroxide and borax treatment. Now, I'm not sure if it was scabies or not, but my 9 month old grand-daughter sure loves me for getting rid of her itchy, red, infectious blisters on the bottoms of her feet and bosy. I used about 1/2 cup borax and 1/2 cup peroxide in as warm water as she could stand, and I soaked her in it for about 5-10 minutes once daily for 2 days. Afterwards, I let her air dry in a very warm house and left it on her for about 2 hours and then gave her a bath in olive oil soap, which I had purchased because the dermatologist said she was allergic to coconut oil. Which she is not. After the bath with theolive oil soap ($1.50 a bar), I rinsed her off with fresh water and patted her dry, and then rubbed her down with extra virgin olive oil and proceeded to pat her dry again. Her blisters are now all gone and her skin is soft without any harm to her body as those poisonous creams the doctors were prescribing for her.

An old lady probably in her 90's had mentioned to me before I came here for help about using virgin olive oil on her and all of her ailments would disappear. I was skeptical, Not anymore, Thanks old lady from wal-mart check-out line. I appreciate you and this site for the cure of my granddaughter's feet!!! I was careful to not let her get any of the bathing solution in her mouth and eyes too. She has an appointment in 2 days with the doctor and the dermatologist on the same day. I will mention this solution for whatever it was ailing my baby...

REPLY   2      

Run Scabies Runminneapollis (Minneapolis, Mn) on 11/12/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

For Head Lice use what our great grandparents used: MAYONNAISE!!! It gets in their lungs and makes them explode plus it makes it easier to pull out the eggs. Good luck!

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Red (Austin, Tx) on 07/31/2010:
3 out of 5 stars

Better But With Side Effects

I've had scabies for over 2 months. I've had 3 full body treatments with permetherin cream 5% from the Dr. It didn't work for me. I also tried one of the online treatments with enzymes and oil. It got better, but didn't go away. I started that after the 1st permetherine treatment failed. The combination didn't work either. I tried the borax/epsom salt/hydrogen peroxide bath suggested above - now that seemed to work, but I think the person who mentioned it could be toxic was right. I got the runs the next morning. I kept using it and it got much worse. I started vomiting too. I think it would work, but that was way too strong for me. I missed almost a week of work recovering. I found another one online that is the enzymes only and less expensive. This one also seems to be working, but I'm not getting sick from it. There was a big difference the first time. Hopefully, I'll be able to tell you in a week or so that it's totally gone. Another tip that someone else mentioned - avoid sweets. I'm borderline diabetic and when I ate a dessert or something, I noticed they were a LOT more active, and the # of bites went up. I felt like I was being eaten alive. I stopped eating any sugar, and it went down. So, that's my experience. Good luck.

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Itchy (Houston, Tx) on 01/11/2010:
5 out of 5 stars


My son got infected. Don't know how. Despite the warnings to treat everyone in the house, I only had my son taking the Borax baths. Well, now I'm infected, my other son, and my mother who does not live with us. I am going to start bathing everyone twice a day. But I wanted to report I saw two fresh welts on both my hands last night and began itching so I got a spray bottle and mixed warm water, borax, and peroxide. No measuring just pouring in, but you can't put too much borax because it will not dissolve and spray out. Itching stopped immediately when sprayed on. So I sprayed the kids down also. Usually there would be a bump left in those spots. Woke up this bump! Also, the itching in the morning would normally wake the kids up early in the morning. Every one was sound asleep!

Try this. My spray bottle was 8 oz so I'd say approx. 1tbs of borax, 1 tbs of peroxide, and 6oz of warm water (you need room to shake the botte to mix) Shake well the borax has to dissolve.

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Gemini (Greenville, North Carolina, Usa) on 12/27/2009:
4 out of 5 stars

My husband and I have scabies... I hate to admit it but its true. We work from city to city in 12 week spurts and contracted this evil critter during our last run, from a hotel, I'm sure.

He started scratching before me. In the beginning we thought it was because he had his hair cut the day the "itch" began. Once he showered and attempted to settle down for bed the itch became more intense. I assumed he had an allergy to something and gave him Benadryl. That night he was miserable after the Benadrly wore off and I slept like a baby. 3 days later I started to itch. I had red whwelts around my waist and buttocks. He only had red bumps on his arm and the small of his back.

When my Doctors office was open that next morning, I was the first in line. He diagnosed us as having scabies and prescribed permethrin for us both. IT DID NOT WORK! Second application DID NOT WORK!

So I hit the web, stumbled across Earth Clinic and began researching treatments for these evil mites... We have suffered 4 weeks with of lack of sleep and we cut off the connection with family and friends in fear the too may be infected with our unwanted critters.

I would recommend to anyone that has Scabies to try the Borax Soak- With all of the hair brained things we have tried this was the only that showed any progress for success... 3 cups borax, 2 cups epsom salt, 2 cups hydrogen peroxide in the hottest bath that you can tolerate. Soak for 30 mins. Do not rinse, pat dry and apply clear fingernail polish to the bumps. My theory was it would suficate them. We repeated this soak twice a day for 7 days. At the present we are on the road to recovery...(fingers crossed) I only have old bumps that have now dried and are fading and my hubby has 2 red angry whelts along with older bumps drying and fading. This is a far cry better than the HUNDREDS of spots, bumps, whelts, patches and brusing (from scratching)We will continue to do this soak every other day forever or until we have had zero break outs and all spots are healed for at lease 2 weeks.

Please keep in mind... I had our home sprayed and carpets cleaned along with wearing all clothing once and washing clothing asap in hot water and borax.

As for the occasional itch we use hand sanitizer. It cools the spot and we think it slows or kills the mites. I will admit that I have developed a mental issue with this ordeal. I fear that they will never go away fully. Everytime I feel anything crawly or itchy I automatically assume we were defeated again by the evil mites.... This is by far one of the most horrible experience of my life.

Good luck to all with this horrible illness. I pray that you find relief. I will follow up in soon to relay our progress. Happy Holidays, Genny

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Kymom (Bowling Green, Ky) on 11/27/2009:
5 out of 5 stars


After suffering for about 10 days with intense itching in the palms of my hands and fingers, I went to a dermatologist. I had been treating myself for hand eczema using suggestions from EC. The Derm felt I had scabies. I got the cream RX filled, but came to this site for recommendations to try first. That night I bathed in 2 cups of Borax with 1 bottle of hydrogen peroxide for 30 minutes. I slept all night without a terrible itching episode for the first time in nearly 2 weeks. I bathed the same for another 2 nights and also kept borax in my shower to use as a scrub in the mornings. I changed my sheets every day and only wore clothing one time. I washed everything in hot water and added borax to the laundry detergeant. Luckily, I am the only one here at home who has suffered. Don't know where they came from, but I have such peace of mind knowing that we can fix the problem without harmful creams. And the relief was almost instant! I am continuing to use Borax with my laundry detergeant and scrub with it on the spots that may come up.

Thank you to Earth Clinic for this site and for all of you who post here. I also had a terrible case of acid reflux for a month solid that I cured with apple cider vinegar after reading here. It took 4-6 weeks, but I have absolutely no symptoms now.

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Lori (Edmond, Oklahoma, Usa) on 11/13/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

I would like to thank everyone who posted a cure for scabies on the site, you were all a godsend. I recieved some items, clothes, furniture ect. from a family friend who was cleaning out her garage. I also got bedbugs and scabies. We had no idea what was going on. I have four boys and they were scratching up a storm. I thought I was going crazy. We'd just switched detergents, so I thought that must be it, but it wasn't. When I told my friend about it, she was very concerned that we may have gotten scabies from her things, because she didn't think they could live that long. So I went to the dr. and she thought it was allergies too. But it wasn't and the use of the borax and peroxide soak proved it. I found a questionaire on another website, and every answer was yes. When I found this website, I thanked god. I combined 2-cups of borax with 1 bottle of peroxide, this into a full tub of water as hot as you can stand it.

For my children I used 1 cup borax and 1/2 cup of peroxide. I also decided to use the antibacterial soap. I did this because although we have all been afflicted with the bites, my husband hands and arms are totally clear. Where he works he always has to use the antibacterial gel, you know the inst-wash stuff. and he just rubs it on like lotion. So we've started using that too. Just in case anyone else thinks it might help. Good luck to all of you. We'll be taking bath #2 tonight, and another tomorrow. Then start again next friday. Also I'm gonna try the Diatomaceous earth powder. Have any of you ever heard of Dri-Die? It's supposed to kill bedbugs, and other creepy crawlies. Is it anything like DE? Thanks...Lori

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Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak for Scabies

5 star (19) 
4 star (4) 
3 star (1) 
1 star (1) 

Scabies Are Curable (Minneapolis, Minnesota) on 07/30/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

Well, I thought I allergic to my yards of new material when I discovered we all were infected by scabies.... What a nightmare!!! The prescription doesn't work!!! The pharmaceutical company for the medication most likely set off the epidemic for profit. But I tried Bleach, the prescription medication etc... I did bath using Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide on all the children all 5 of them, my husband and myself. We seen little black specs in the water and if you look at a scabie photo they look like that... Anyways, we are sticking with washing everything in borax and hot water and bathing in the solution for the next couple of days and nobody has had an allergic reaction. The itching stopped immediately and it was a relief.... and for those of you lying about the borax and hydrogen peroxide treatment tell your pharmaceutical company to quit profitting off the misery of others and step up the medication dosage to eliminate the problem....
REPLY   7      

Teresa (Kissimmee, Florida, Us) on 01/24/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

Hi, my husband and I have been doing the peroxide / borax baths for 2 days now. When we started he had no hair on his chest, legs and face, along with red bumps all over. Since we have been doing the baths he looks horrible! I want to cry everytime I see him. He has scabs and sores all over him, he is lethargic and smells. The oozing has stopped and they look like red scabs all over a bare body. Is this normal? is this a its going to look worse before it gets better? He had this problem a few months back and I gave him a couple baths with the peroxide and borax and he healed right up. But not this time..... Please help! We are struggling to put food on the table for our kids, so right now a vet is not an option.

Tee (Marietta, Ga) on 01/22/2011:
1 out of 5 stars

This did not work for me at all. As a matter of fact, I believe this caused the mites to spread. After having rashes in one area for four months, within days after starting the soaks, I started to get bites on my back and sides And even on my face. I also did not see any improvement with my original rash.

Deb (London, Ky. Usa) on 12/06/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

I have a 9 month old grand-daughter which has had blisters on the bottoms of her feet for over 3 months now. It started out a blister on the mouth, which was diagnosed as Foot-Hand-Mouth disease. After a month of the blisters moving from her mouth to her hands and feet, her pediatrician decided it wasn't FHM disease and wanted to treat her for Psoriasis. After another month of treatment for Psoriasis, no cure. The blisters were still there and new ones coming on a daily basis. She even had one huge blister in her head. Her pediatrician treated her for scabies, yes the perm cream. Not only did I treat her, but I treated everyone of the family members that are around the baby and have any contact with her. Yes I bought the meds for all family members on both sides of the families so she wouldn't suffer. It didn't work. I even had my white carpet steam cleaned along with my sofa. Still blisters were popping up on a daily basis. The dermatologist also treated her for scabies, even though the scraping test came back negative for scabies, he wanted to treat her for them. So another perm treatment and still blisters popping up overnight.

I came to the internet for research on scabies and found this site. I read for a treatment on the critters and found the Peroxide and borax treatment. Now, I'm not sure if it was scabies or not, but my 9 month old grand-daughter sure loves me for getting rid of her itchy, red, infectious blisters on the bottoms of her feet and bosy. I used about 1/2 cup borax and 1/2 cup peroxide in as warm water as she could stand, and I soaked her in it for about 5-10 minutes once daily for 2 days. Afterwards, I let her air dry in a very warm house and left it on her for about 2 hours and then gave her a bath in olive oil soap, which I had purchased because the dermatologist said she was allergic to coconut oil. Which she is not. After the bath with theolive oil soap ($1.50 a bar), I rinsed her off with fresh water and patted her dry, and then rubbed her down with extra virgin olive oil and proceeded to pat her dry again. Her blisters are now all gone and her skin is soft without any harm to her body as those poisonous creams the doctors were prescribing for her.

An old lady probably in her 90's had mentioned to me before I came here for help about using virgin olive oil on her and all of her ailments would disappear. I was skeptical, Not anymore, Thanks old lady from wal-mart check-out line. I appreciate you and this site for the cure of my granddaughter's feet!!! I was careful to not let her get any of the bathing solution in her mouth and eyes too. She has an appointment in 2 days with the doctor and the dermatologist on the same day. I will mention this solution for whatever it was ailing my baby...

REPLY   2      

Run Scabies Runminneapollis (Minneapolis, Mn) on 11/12/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

For Head Lice use what our great grandparents used: MAYONNAISE!!! It gets in their lungs and makes them explode plus it makes it easier to pull out the eggs. Good luck!

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Red (Austin, Tx) on 07/31/2010:
3 out of 5 stars

Better But With Side Effects

I've had scabies for over 2 months. I've had 3 full body treatments with permetherin cream 5% from the Dr. It didn't work for me. I also tried one of the online treatments with enzymes and oil. It got better, but didn't go away. I started that after the 1st permetherine treatment failed. The combination didn't work either. I tried the borax/epsom salt/hydrogen peroxide bath suggested above - now that seemed to work, but I think the person who mentioned it could be toxic was right. I got the runs the next morning. I kept using it and it got much worse. I started vomiting too. I think it would work, but that was way too strong for me. I missed almost a week of work recovering. I found another one online that is the enzymes only and less expensive. This one also seems to be working, but I'm not getting sick from it. There was a big difference the first time. Hopefully, I'll be able to tell you in a week or so that it's totally gone. Another tip that someone else mentioned - avoid sweets. I'm borderline diabetic and when I ate a dessert or something, I noticed they were a LOT more active, and the # of bites went up. I felt like I was being eaten alive. I stopped eating any sugar, and it went down. So, that's my experience. Good luck.

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Itchy (Houston, Tx) on 01/11/2010:
5 out of 5 stars


My son got infected. Don't know how. Despite the warnings to treat everyone in the house, I only had my son taking the Borax baths. Well, now I'm infected, my other son, and my mother who does not live with us. I am going to start bathing everyone twice a day. But I wanted to report I saw two fresh welts on both my hands last night and began itching so I got a spray bottle and mixed warm water, borax, and peroxide. No measuring just pouring in, but you can't put too much borax because it will not dissolve and spray out. Itching stopped immediately when sprayed on. So I sprayed the kids down also. Usually there would be a bump left in those spots. Woke up this bump! Also, the itching in the morning would normally wake the kids up early in the morning. Every one was sound asleep!

Try this. My spray bottle was 8 oz so I'd say approx. 1tbs of borax, 1 tbs of peroxide, and 6oz of warm water (you need room to shake the botte to mix) Shake well the borax has to dissolve.

REPLY   2      

Gemini (Greenville, North Carolina, Usa) on 12/27/2009:
4 out of 5 stars

My husband and I have scabies... I hate to admit it but its true. We work from city to city in 12 week spurts and contracted this evil critter during our last run, from a hotel, I'm sure.

He started scratching before me. In the beginning we thought it was because he had his hair cut the day the "itch" began. Once he showered and attempted to settle down for bed the itch became more intense. I assumed he had an allergy to something and gave him Benadryl. That night he was miserable after the Benadrly wore off and I slept like a baby. 3 days later I started to itch. I had red whwelts around my waist and buttocks. He only had red bumps on his arm and the small of his back.

When my Doctors office was open that next morning, I was the first in line. He diagnosed us as having scabies and prescribed permethrin for us both. IT DID NOT WORK! Second application DID NOT WORK!

So I hit the web, stumbled across Earth Clinic and began researching treatments for these evil mites... We have suffered 4 weeks with of lack of sleep and we cut off the connection with family and friends in fear the too may be infected with our unwanted critters.

I would recommend to anyone that has Scabies to try the Borax Soak- With all of the hair brained things we have tried this was the only that showed any progress for success... 3 cups borax, 2 cups epsom salt, 2 cups hydrogen peroxide in the hottest bath that you can tolerate. Soak for 30 mins. Do not rinse, pat dry and apply clear fingernail polish to the bumps. My theory was it would suficate them. We repeated this soak twice a day for 7 days. At the present we are on the road to recovery...(fingers crossed) I only have old bumps that have now dried and are fading and my hubby has 2 red angry whelts along with older bumps drying and fading. This is a far cry better than the HUNDREDS of spots, bumps, whelts, patches and brusing (from scratching)We will continue to do this soak every other day forever or until we have had zero break outs and all spots are healed for at lease 2 weeks.

Please keep in mind... I had our home sprayed and carpets cleaned along with wearing all clothing once and washing clothing asap in hot water and borax.

As for the occasional itch we use hand sanitizer. It cools the spot and we think it slows or kills the mites. I will admit that I have developed a mental issue with this ordeal. I fear that they will never go away fully. Everytime I feel anything crawly or itchy I automatically assume we were defeated again by the evil mites.... This is by far one of the most horrible experience of my life.

Good luck to all with this horrible illness. I pray that you find relief. I will follow up in soon to relay our progress. Happy Holidays, Genny

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Kymom (Bowling Green, Ky) on 11/27/2009:
5 out of 5 stars


After suffering for about 10 days with intense itching in the palms of my hands and fingers, I went to a dermatologist. I had been treating myself for hand eczema using suggestions from EC. The Derm felt I had scabies. I got the cream RX filled, but came to this site for recommendations to try first. That night I bathed in 2 cups of Borax with 1 bottle of hydrogen peroxide for 30 minutes. I slept all night without a terrible itching episode for the first time in nearly 2 weeks. I bathed the same for another 2 nights and also kept borax in my shower to use as a scrub in the mornings. I changed my sheets every day and only wore clothing one time. I washed everything in hot water and added borax to the laundry detergeant. Luckily, I am the only one here at home who has suffered. Don't know where they came from, but I have such peace of mind knowing that we can fix the problem without harmful creams. And the relief was almost instant! I am continuing to use Borax with my laundry detergeant and scrub with it on the spots that may come up.

Thank you to Earth Clinic for this site and for all of you who post here. I also had a terrible case of acid reflux for a month solid that I cured with apple cider vinegar after reading here. It took 4-6 weeks, but I have absolutely no symptoms now.

REPLY   2      

Lori (Edmond, Oklahoma, Usa) on 11/13/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

I would like to thank everyone who posted a cure for scabies on the site, you were all a godsend. I recieved some items, clothes, furniture ect. from a family friend who was cleaning out her garage. I also got bedbugs and scabies. We had no idea what was going on. I have four boys and they were scratching up a storm. I thought I was going crazy. We'd just switched detergents, so I thought that must be it, but it wasn't. When I told my friend about it, she was very concerned that we may have gotten scabies from her things, because she didn't think they could live that long. So I went to the dr. and she thought it was allergies too. But it wasn't and the use of the borax and peroxide soak proved it. I found a questionaire on another website, and every answer was yes. When I found this website, I thanked god. I combined 2-cups of borax with 1 bottle of peroxide, this into a full tub of water as hot as you can stand it.

For my children I used 1 cup borax and 1/2 cup of peroxide. I also decided to use the antibacterial soap. I did this because although we have all been afflicted with the bites, my husband hands and arms are totally clear. Where he works he always has to use the antibacterial gel, you know the inst-wash stuff. and he just rubs it on like lotion. So we've started using that too. Just in case anyone else thinks it might help. Good luck to all of you. We'll be taking bath #2 tonight, and another tomorrow. Then start again next friday. Also I'm gonna try the Diatomaceous earth powder. Have any of you ever heard of Dri-Die? It's supposed to kill bedbugs, and other creepy crawlies. Is it anything like DE? Thanks...Lori

REPLY   1      

Scabies Are Curable (Minneapolis, Minnesota) on 07/30/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

Well, I thought I allergic to my yards of new material when I discovered we all were infected by scabies.... What a nightmare!!! The prescription doesn't work!!! The pharmaceutical company for the medication most likely set off the epidemic for profit. But I tried Bleach, the prescription medication etc... I did bath using Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide on all the children all 5 of them, my husband and myself. We seen little black specs in the water and if you look at a scabie photo they look like that... Anyways, we are sticking with washing everything in borax and hot water and bathing in the solution for the next couple of days and nobody has had an allergic reaction. The itching stopped immediately and it was a relief.... and for those of you lying about the borax and hydrogen peroxide treatment tell your pharmaceutical company to quit profitting off the misery of others and step up the medication dosage to eliminate the problem....
REPLY   7      

Teresa (Kissimmee, Florida, Us) on 01/24/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

Hi, my husband and I have been doing the peroxide / borax baths for 2 days now. When we started he had no hair on his chest, legs and face, along with red bumps all over. Since we have been doing the baths he looks horrible! I want to cry everytime I see him. He has scabs and sores all over him, he is lethargic and smells. The oozing has stopped and they look like red scabs all over a bare body. Is this normal? is this a its going to look worse before it gets better? He had this problem a few months back and I gave him a couple baths with the peroxide and borax and he healed right up. But not this time..... Please help! We are struggling to put food on the table for our kids, so right now a vet is not an option.

Tee (Marietta, Ga) on 01/22/2011:
1 out of 5 stars

This did not work for me at all. As a matter of fact, I believe this caused the mites to spread. After having rashes in one area for four months, within days after starting the soaks, I started to get bites on my back and sides And even on my face. I also did not see any improvement with my original rash.

Deb (London, Ky. Usa) on 12/06/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

I have a 9 month old grand-daughter which has had blisters on the bottoms of her feet for over 3 months now. It started out a blister on the mouth, which was diagnosed as Foot-Hand-Mouth disease. After a month of the blisters moving from her mouth to her hands and feet, her pediatrician decided it wasn't FHM disease and wanted to treat her for Psoriasis. After another month of treatment for Psoriasis, no cure. The blisters were still there and new ones coming on a daily basis. She even had one huge blister in her head. Her pediatrician treated her for scabies, yes the perm cream. Not only did I treat her, but I treated everyone of the family members that are around the baby and have any contact with her. Yes I bought the meds for all family members on both sides of the families so she wouldn't suffer. It didn't work. I even had my white carpet steam cleaned along with my sofa. Still blisters were popping up on a daily basis. The dermatologist also treated her for scabies, even though the scraping test came back negative for scabies, he wanted to treat her for them. So another perm treatment and still blisters popping up overnight.

I came to the internet for research on scabies and found this site. I read for a treatment on the critters and found the Peroxide and borax treatment. Now, I'm not sure if it was scabies or not, but my 9 month old grand-daughter sure loves me for getting rid of her itchy, red, infectious blisters on the bottoms of her feet and bosy. I used about 1/2 cup borax and 1/2 cup peroxide in as warm water as she could stand, and I soaked her in it for about 5-10 minutes once daily for 2 days. Afterwards, I let her air dry in a very warm house and left it on her for about 2 hours and then gave her a bath in olive oil soap, which I had purchased because the dermatologist said she was allergic to coconut oil. Which she is not. After the bath with theolive oil soap ($1.50 a bar), I rinsed her off with fresh water and patted her dry, and then rubbed her down with extra virgin olive oil and proceeded to pat her dry again. Her blisters are now all gone and her skin is soft without any harm to her body as those poisonous creams the doctors were prescribing for her.

An old lady probably in her 90's had mentioned to me before I came here for help about using virgin olive oil on her and all of her ailments would disappear. I was skeptical, Not anymore, Thanks old lady from wal-mart check-out line. I appreciate you and this site for the cure of my granddaughter's feet!!! I was careful to not let her get any of the bathing solution in her mouth and eyes too. She has an appointment in 2 days with the doctor and the dermatologist on the same day. I will mention this solution for whatever it was ailing my baby...

REPLY   2      

Run Scabies Runminneapollis (Minneapolis, Mn) on 11/12/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

For Head Lice use what our great grandparents used: MAYONNAISE!!! It gets in their lungs and makes them explode plus it makes it easier to pull out the eggs. Good luck!

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Red (Austin, Tx) on 07/31/2010:
3 out of 5 stars

Better But With Side Effects

I've had scabies for over 2 months. I've had 3 full body treatments with permetherin cream 5% from the Dr. It didn't work for me. I also tried one of the online treatments with enzymes and oil. It got better, but didn't go away. I started that after the 1st permetherine treatment failed. The combination didn't work either. I tried the borax/epsom salt/hydrogen peroxide bath suggested above - now that seemed to work, but I think the person who mentioned it could be toxic was right. I got the runs the next morning. I kept using it and it got much worse. I started vomiting too. I think it would work, but that was way too strong for me. I missed almost a week of work recovering. I found another one online that is the enzymes only and less expensive. This one also seems to be working, but I'm not getting sick from it. There was a big difference the first time. Hopefully, I'll be able to tell you in a week or so that it's totally gone. Another tip that someone else mentioned - avoid sweets. I'm borderline diabetic and when I ate a dessert or something, I noticed they were a LOT more active, and the # of bites went up. I felt like I was being eaten alive. I stopped eating any sugar, and it went down. So, that's my experience. Good luck.

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Itchy (Houston, Tx) on 01/11/2010:
5 out of 5 stars


My son got infected. Don't know how. Despite the warnings to treat everyone in the house, I only had my son taking the Borax baths. Well, now I'm infected, my other son, and my mother who does not live with us. I am going to start bathing everyone twice a day. But I wanted to report I saw two fresh welts on both my hands last night and began itching so I got a spray bottle and mixed warm water, borax, and peroxide. No measuring just pouring in, but you can't put too much borax because it will not dissolve and spray out. Itching stopped immediately when sprayed on. So I sprayed the kids down also. Usually there would be a bump left in those spots. Woke up this bump! Also, the itching in the morning would normally wake the kids up early in the morning. Every one was sound asleep!

Try this. My spray bottle was 8 oz so I'd say approx. 1tbs of borax, 1 tbs of peroxide, and 6oz of warm water (you need room to shake the botte to mix) Shake well the borax has to dissolve.

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Gemini (Greenville, North Carolina, Usa) on 12/27/2009:
4 out of 5 stars

My husband and I have scabies... I hate to admit it but its true. We work from city to city in 12 week spurts and contracted this evil critter during our last run, from a hotel, I'm sure.

He started scratching before me. In the beginning we thought it was because he had his hair cut the day the "itch" began. Once he showered and attempted to settle down for bed the itch became more intense. I assumed he had an allergy to something and gave him Benadryl. That night he was miserable after the Benadrly wore off and I slept like a baby. 3 days later I started to itch. I had red whwelts around my waist and buttocks. He only had red bumps on his arm and the small of his back.

When my Doctors office was open that next morning, I was the first in line. He diagnosed us as having scabies and prescribed permethrin for us both. IT DID NOT WORK! Second application DID NOT WORK!

So I hit the web, stumbled across Earth Clinic and began researching treatments for these evil mites... We have suffered 4 weeks with of lack of sleep and we cut off the connection with family and friends in fear the too may be infected with our unwanted critters.

I would recommend to anyone that has Scabies to try the Borax Soak- With all of the hair brained things we have tried this was the only that showed any progress for success... 3 cups borax, 2 cups epsom salt, 2 cups hydrogen peroxide in the hottest bath that you can tolerate. Soak for 30 mins. Do not rinse, pat dry and apply clear fingernail polish to the bumps. My theory was it would suficate them. We repeated this soak twice a day for 7 days. At the present we are on the road to recovery...(fingers crossed) I only have old bumps that have now dried and are fading and my hubby has 2 red angry whelts along with older bumps drying and fading. This is a far cry better than the HUNDREDS of spots, bumps, whelts, patches and brusing (from scratching)We will continue to do this soak every other day forever or until we have had zero break outs and all spots are healed for at lease 2 weeks.

Please keep in mind... I had our home sprayed and carpets cleaned along with wearing all clothing once and washing clothing asap in hot water and borax.

As for the occasional itch we use hand sanitizer. It cools the spot and we think it slows or kills the mites. I will admit that I have developed a mental issue with this ordeal. I fear that they will never go away fully. Everytime I feel anything crawly or itchy I automatically assume we were defeated again by the evil mites.... This is by far one of the most horrible experience of my life.

Good luck to all with this horrible illness. I pray that you find relief. I will follow up in soon to relay our progress. Happy Holidays, Genny

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Kymom (Bowling Green, Ky) on 11/27/2009:
5 out of 5 stars


After suffering for about 10 days with intense itching in the palms of my hands and fingers, I went to a dermatologist. I had been treating myself for hand eczema using suggestions from EC. The Derm felt I had scabies. I got the cream RX filled, but came to this site for recommendations to try first. That night I bathed in 2 cups of Borax with 1 bottle of hydrogen peroxide for 30 minutes. I slept all night without a terrible itching episode for the first time in nearly 2 weeks. I bathed the same for another 2 nights and also kept borax in my shower to use as a scrub in the mornings. I changed my sheets every day and only wore clothing one time. I washed everything in hot water and added borax to the laundry detergeant. Luckily, I am the only one here at home who has suffered. Don't know where they came from, but I have such peace of mind knowing that we can fix the problem without harmful creams. And the relief was almost instant! I am continuing to use Borax with my laundry detergeant and scrub with it on the spots that may come up.

Thank you to Earth Clinic for this site and for all of you who post here. I also had a terrible case of acid reflux for a month solid that I cured with apple cider vinegar after reading here. It took 4-6 weeks, but I have absolutely no symptoms now.

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Lori (Edmond, Oklahoma, Usa) on 11/13/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

I would like to thank everyone who posted a cure for scabies on the site, you were all a godsend. I recieved some items, clothes, furniture ect. from a family friend who was cleaning out her garage. I also got bedbugs and scabies. We had no idea what was going on. I have four boys and they were scratching up a storm. I thought I was going crazy. We'd just switched detergents, so I thought that must be it, but it wasn't. When I told my friend about it, she was very concerned that we may have gotten scabies from her things, because she didn't think they could live that long. So I went to the dr. and she thought it was allergies too. But it wasn't and the use of the borax and peroxide soak proved it. I found a questionaire on another website, and every answer was yes. When I found this website, I thanked god. I combined 2-cups of borax with 1 bottle of peroxide, this into a full tub of water as hot as you can stand it.

For my children I used 1 cup borax and 1/2 cup of peroxide. I also decided to use the antibacterial soap. I did this because although we have all been afflicted with the bites, my husband hands and arms are totally clear. Where he works he always has to use the antibacterial gel, you know the inst-wash stuff. and he just rubs it on like lotion. So we've started using that too. Just in case anyone else thinks it might help. Good luck to all of you. We'll be taking bath #2 tonight, and another tomorrow. Then start again next friday. Also I'm gonna try the Diatomaceous earth powder. Have any of you ever heard of Dri-Die? It's supposed to kill bedbugs, and other creepy crawlies. Is it anything like DE? Thanks...Lori

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