Post-Nasal Drip Remedies

Treatment of post-nasal drip is widely varied and includes such options as nasal cleansing using a neti pot as well as alkalizing formulas. While the most important consideration for treating this condition is identifying the underlying condition, many of these natural treatments offer relief from the condition whatever the cause. Natural options cleanse the sinuses and remove infection and bacteria causing the drip.

What is Post-Nasal Drip?

Post-nasal drip, also known as PND, is a condition characterized by the overproduction of mucus. The most common symptom is the presence of excess mucus running down the throat. Additional symptoms include hoarseness, sore throat and others. The condition is caused by a number of different factors including cold, flu, allergy, sinus infection and many others.

Natural Treatments for Post-Nasal Drip

While the causes of excess mucus production are widely varied, many cases of the condition can be treated effectively using similar natural treatments. Alkalizing formulas such as apple cider vinegar are effective options. Additionally, cayenne, garlic and other herbs offer relief.

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    List of Remedies for Post-Nasal Drip