Xylitol Nasal Spray for Post-Nasal Drip

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Ruth (Stavanger, Norway (american, Working In Norway)) on 10/25/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

A further comment on the post-nasal-drip. I have a lot of sinus and throat problems, which I am convinced are caused by Candida. I recently discovered a pleasant and extremely cheap remedy. I make my own version of Xlear nasal spray. I use 1/4 tsp. Xylitol, 1/8 tsp salt, one drop peroxide and one drop grapefruit seed extract. I spray it in my nose and also inhale it as often as I think of it--the more the better. For the first time in as long as I can remember, I can sleep breathing through my nose, and have had much less sinus problems. It is so easy, so effective, and best of all, so cheap!!! I also gargle with salt water often (helps clear the mucus in your throat) and inhale 3% peroxide using a nasal spray bottle (the food grade is best, but the drug store variety is better than nothing).

As for the red onion recipe, I make something like that--boil an onion and 1/4" fresh ginger root, then crush several cloves of garlic and add after the onion/ginger is cooked. Then I mix it with enough honey to get it down and take as often as I can stand it. I give it to the kids 1 tsp. Every couple hours (maybe 1/2 tsp. for babies) until they start having loose bowels, then give them less. They will probably smell like onion and garlic for a while :)

By the way, I am on this site because I have had a dry cough all day and finally got so fed up, I checked this site. I started using each remedy I had on hand, as I would read about it, and am now coughing up lots of mucus. Thanks everyone, for your comments! God bless you!

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