Multiple Remedies for Plantar Fibroma

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Andrea (Fl, United States) on 06/12/2014
1 out of 5 stars

I'm looking for assistance with Plantar Fibromas which I've have for years. I have on both feet. The orthopedic surgeon suggests surgery- that would keep me off feet for 2 months. I've tried- oral enzyme therapy, ultrasound, cream with DMSO, acupuncture, apple cider vinegar (ingested and put it on soaked overnight. and & verapamil cream. The prescription verapamil cream was most helpful, ultrasound gadget I got from online was kind of helpful, ACV maybe little helpful. Really afraid of surgery since there is such regrowth. I am female, 47, and work actively on my feet at a hotel. I've lately noticed a ganglion type cyst in my hand and previously had frozen should. Wonder if all these are related, what this stuff is and how to get it out of my system. Thanks for your help. I know many of us have this problem- few have lasting answer.
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