Zinc for Plantar Fasciitis

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Jacqs (Midwest, MO) on 08/21/2021
5 out of 5 stars

Zinc Chewables Helping Plantar Fasciitis

I’ve been experiencing mild to severe pain in my right heel and arch consistently for the past 4 months. Stretching helped but only slightly and temporarily. Mornings were extremely painful and walking any time of day was painful. When I stretched I experienced shooting pain but it provided temporary relief. I was stretching often throughout the day and in the night while sleeping hoping I’d be a bit more limber when I woke up but any relief was temporary… A few minutes or maybe an hour.

About 2 weeks ago I started taking zinc chewable supplements to boost my immune system (because Covid is increasing here) and I FELT NO PAIN ALL DAY in my foot!! I didn’t even realize it until the second day when I didn’t take zinc and the pain returned… so the third day I went back to the tablets every 3-4 hours and again I experienced NO FOOT PAIN! AT ALL!

I’ve been taking the zinc chewables regularly (11mg 3-4x a day) and I have SIGNIFICANTLY reduced the pain to nothing or just a mild discomfort in my foot. When I feel any discomfort it’s mild and usually after a long day. It does NOT hurt to get out of bed in the morning. Stretching my foot doesn’t create sharp shooting pains either! Am I crazy?!? This feels like a wonder drug / miracle!

(note: there are other inactive ingredients in the brand I’m taking; Ascorbic acid, crospovidone, magnesium stearate, sorbitol, starch, sucralose. I want to try a pill form (not chewable) but haven’t yet.)

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Sanjay P. (London, Uk) on 10/09/2020
5 out of 5 stars

Hi all,

Just to let you know. I have been suffering from plantar fasciitis for a while however, for about a month now I have been taking 10mg Zinc tablets and the pain is almost gone. I wanted to check if it was the Zinc or not so I stopped taking it for a couple of days and the pain was back so since continuing with zinc the pain again is 95% gone.

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