Sauerkraut for Plantar Fasciitis

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Susan (Ca) on 10/28/2018
5 out of 5 stars


I injured my feet about 5 years ago (I fell getting out of the way of a bicyclist). They became very swollen and I felt like I was walking on railroad spikes (not pins and needles). I went to the doctor who said they didn't appear to be broken (I knew that). I walked around, painfully, for months until one day I decided that I needed to eat the sauerkraut in the fridge before it spoiled. The swelling was gone the next morning and about 75% of the blunt/sharp stabbing in the feet was gone, too. My feet aren't 100% and never will be. I'm a walker but I can't walk more than 3-4 miles a day now. They now get really really fatigued and become painful if I try to walk too much. But...sauerkraut gave me back my feet...who knew??? :)

Our bodies are supposed to heal themselves but it doesn't always work, especially when your'e older (I'm 64 now). You've heard, "Feed the gut, feed the brain"? Well, I say, 'Feed the gut, feed the whole body'.

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