Natural Remedies for a Pinched Nerve

Modified on Sep 28, 2023 | Earth Clinic Team

A pinched nerve is a nerve that is compressed by some other tissue in the body. Arthritis, spinal misalignment, bone spurs, and herniated discs can cause a pinched nerve. There are, however, a number of supplements and natural remedies that can alleviate the symptoms of a pinched nerve. These include vitamins C and B, magnesium, hot and cold therapy, turmeric, castor oil, epsom salt baths, and herbs. 

Inflammation from injuries, bad posture, or poor sleeping positions can all cause a pinched nerve. The result of this compression can manifest in a number of ways including pain, weakness, tingling, carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatic, etc. Nerve pain can be quite miserable and make everyday activities and even sleeping difficult. Determining and alleviating the cause is critical in curing the pinched nerve. Meanwhile, there are a number of natural cures and comfort measures that may help with the pain and inflammation associated with a pinched nerve.

Hot and Cold Therapy for Pinched Nerves

Old fashioned, easily available and free, hot and cold therapy may be helpful for the pain and inflammation from a pinched nerve. Some will find that heat (heating pad or hot water bottle) is more comforting as it brings extra blood (thus oxygen and healing) to the site of pain. Others will find cold (ice pack or frozen rice sock) more comforting since it will numb the pain a bit and can help reduce inflammation. Alternating the two is often a surprising helpful therapy. Always start and end with cold, keeping each on for a minute or so at a time, up to seven changes. Hot/cold therapy can be repeated several times throughout the day. 

Castor Oil for the Pain of Pinched Nerves

Castor oil can be massed into the pained area as often as desired. (Careful as it can stain clothes!) Alternately, castor oil can be put onto a cloth and placed over the pained area, covered with a piece of plastic wrap and covered with a heating pad for 30 minutes to an hour, even several times a day. This "Castor Oil Pack" can be left on overnight. But do not use a heating pad overnight!

Turmeric for Inflammation

Because a pinched nerve is often caused by inflammation, and turmeric is an excellent anti-inflammatory, it may be a helpful remedy. 1/2 - 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder in water or milk 1-3 times a day is a common dose of turmeric. (Turmeric should always be taken with plenty of fluids to avoid constipation. It is best to start with less and increase as the body tolerates it.) 

Epsom Salt Baths

1 cup of epsom salt, added to a warm bath, will often help with pain, at least temporarily. An added benefit is that the body will absorb magnesium from the epsom salts, which is a critical nutrient for nerve pain, and commonly helpful to those suffering from bone spurs.

Diet and Supplements for Pinched Nerves

To assist the body's natural tendency to heal itself, it is important to eat well. Whole foods in a natural state are much more nutrient dense than processed foods, which are almost devoid of nutrients all together. Sugar and white flour are empty calories and best to be eaten in careful moderation. Adding a teaspoon of Blackstrap Molasses to coffee, tea, or oatmeal a few times a day is better than a vitamin pill! Blackstrap Molasses is chock full of nutrients and has even been reported to help some with carpal tunnel syndrome! Magnesium, Vitamin C and B vitamins are critical for the body to heal.

Herbs for Pinched Nerves

St. John's Wort is classified as a "nervine." It can be taken as a tea or may be found in a salve to be used topically. Peppermint, in the form of essential oil, is often helpful for nerve pain. Adding 2-3 drops to a half teaspoon of olive oil or castor oil and massaged into the pained area as desired may be helpful.

Over the Counter for Pinched Nerves

If you use over the counter pain medication for pinched nerve pain, please do so with caution and discretion. Long term use of pain medication is hard on the liver. Even short term use that reduces the body's awareness of pain makes it more likely that you will "over do" and make an injury worse. Ibuprofen and aspirin both have anti-inflammatory properties and therefore may be helpful if used with care. Over the counter medications are more likely to have short or long term side effects than natural remedies. 

Additional Helps for Pinched Nerves

An acidic body will feel pain more strongly. An alkaline body will be better able to heal. Look in to Earth Clinic's many pages on alkalizing. Baking soda baths (1 cup of baking soda to a warm bath) is another way to alkalize and reduce pain.

Get to the Root of Your Pain

While you may try several of the above to help with pain from a pinched nerve, it is important to address the cause. Chiropractic adjustments, better sleeping positions, or attention to posture may help with a pinched nerve caused by a spinal misalignment. You may need to look into long term remedies for bone spurs or arthritis if this is the cause of nerve pain. If an acute injury is the cause of your nerve pain, good nutrition and rest are important for healing.

If you have a remedy for a pinched nerve, please share it with us! Continue reading below for testimonials from our readers who have tried various home remedies and vitamins for a pinched nerve.

Additional Pages of Interest:

Nerve Issues
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Cures
Sciatica Cures


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List of Remedies for Pinched Nerve