Book Recommendation for High Blood Sugar

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Patricia (Englewood, New Jersey) on 12/21/2007
5 out of 5 stars

I have used ACV for thh past 4 weeks and it is providing some help with my bp readings.I also contacted others from this site who were quite helpful. Now I want to suggest additional help ina book called "Good Calories Bad Calories" by Gary Taubes. The book provides an excellent explanation of how insulin effects the body metabolism. It also offers extensiive information about research sugar, obesity, and high carbo diets. Based on his research high carb diets are directly linked to obesity. The book provides an excellent explanation of hypertension, how it effects the body and also presents research on salt and hypertension. There are so many myths surrounding nutrition and heart disease that we all should spend time reading this book. No doctor will ever be so thorough in their explanation of how our liver handles fat and sugar. By reading this book I was able to create a diet which is helping to bring down my hypertension. I am/was insuline resistent.