Inguinal Hernia: Natural Remedies Guide

Modified on Mar 17, 2024

Inguinal hernias, where a portion of the intestine bulges through a weak spot in the abdominal muscles, can cause discomfort and health concerns. While surgical intervention is often recommended, certain natural remedies can relieve symptoms and support overall well-being. This guide highlights various natural approaches, from dietary changes to herbal supplements, to help manage symptoms of an inguinal hernia. 

Comfrey Poultice

A natural poultice made from comfrey may assist in healing an inguinal hernia. Apply a comfrey poultice directly to the affected area to promote healing and reduce inflammation. Note that comfrey should be used externally only.

Ginger Root

Ginger root is effective in reducing inflammation and improving digestion. Consume ginger tea or fresh ginger to alleviate symptoms associated with an inguinal hernia.

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    List of Remedies for Inguinal Hernia