Are Hypnic Jerks Ruining Your Sleep?

Modified on Jun 24, 2022 | Earth Clinic Team

If you have ever quickly fallen asleep only to suddenly wake up with the feeling that you are falling or running into something, you have experienced a hypnic jerk. This is a common problem. Research suggests that nearly 70% of people experience a hypnic jerk at some point.  Some people, however, are affected much more than others. If you are afraid to sleep for fear of waking up with that frightening feeling, there are some natural remedies for hypnic jerks that might help you. These natural cures, including magnesium, lavender oil, and melatonin, should help you once again enjoy a restful sleep without hypnic jerks.

Is There a Natural Treatment for Hypnic Jerks?

While research is inconclusive as to why night starts occur, there are a number of treatment options available that may help you get a better night’s sleep. Some of the most important considerations you can make are regulating your alcohol and caffeine consumption, arranging your schedule to exercise earlier in the day, and making sure you have a comfortable mattress and bedding arrangement. Additionally, natural supplements, such as magnesium, calcium, lavender oil, and melatonin, may help.

1. Magnesium

Magnesium is an important nutrient that helps regulate muscle and nerve function. A daily magnesium supplement insures that you are getting an adequate supply of the nutrient, so you should experience fewer issues. You can take magnesium in capsule form, but also consider trying a calming magnesium or Epsom salt bath or magnesium oils for topical application.

2. Calcium

Calcium is another nutrient that helps regulate your muscle and nerve function. A daily calcium supplement is a good way to effectively treat hypnic jerks and alleviate nerve issues as well. You need at least 1,000mg of calcium a day.

3. Lavender Oil

Lavender is known for its soothing effects on the nervous system. Simply applying a few drops of lavender oil to the bottoms of your feet or even to your pillow before sleep should induce more restful sleep.

4. Melatonin

Melatonin is a natural sleep hormone. Taking a drop or two of melatonin before bed induces sleep and relaxes your entire body. You can find melatonin in most health food stores and pharmacies.

What Are Hypnic Jerks?

As simple as sleep seems, the complications that can occur in regards to sleeping are actually quite complicated. Like many other sleep conditions, hypnic jerks are often called by a number of different names including night starts, sleep starts, hypnagogic jerks, and myoclonic jerks. For simplicity’s sake, a hypnic jerk is any twitching of a muscle or muscles that occurs as you are just falling asleep.

When you experience a hypnic jerk, you most likely will be jolted awake. You may also experience the sensation of falling, jolting, or even crashing. In some instances, you may even wake with tensed muscles or continued muscle spasms, as with hiccups.

What Causes Myoclonic Jerking?

Because sleep is such a complex cycle, research is inconclusive as to the exact cause of many sleep disorders. The same is true with myoclonic jerks. However, research has suggested a number of factors that may contribute to the condition. Common factors that seem to exacerbate hypnic jerks include anxiety, stress, alcohol, caffeine, fatigue, exercise late in the day, and an uncomfortable sleeping position. Additionally, doctors typically accept one of two explanations for hypnic jerking: (1.) the jolting occurs as a normal component of your nervous system relaxing and calming down or (2.) the condition occurs because you brain becomes confused when falling asleep and sends signals to

Keep reading to find more suggestions for treating hypnic jerks from our readers or add one of your own remedies. If you have a favorite home remedy for hypnic jerks, please let us know!


Jolted Awake by Hypnic Jerks?
Why Do We Twitch as We’re Falling Asleep?
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