Iodine for Hematoma

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Teresa (WA) on 03/19/2021
5 out of 5 stars

Update: The hematoma is nearly gone. So glad I tried the iodine on the hematoma.
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Teresa (WA) on 02/22/2021
5 out of 5 stars

I have a hematoma on my upper right thigh. I have had it for about 6 years. I fell through a floor during a home remodeling job falling onto a 2x6 in the floor hitting my thigh HARD on the board. I immediately got a hematoma of about 5 inches long and 3 inches wide. Plus my leg bruised from the top thigh area to the bottom knee area. I put comphrey on it that evening with a plastic bread bag taped over the areas. 3 days later I went to the dr and he was amazed that the bruising had gone away so quickly. The hematoma didn't though. He did an ultrasound of the hematoma and since it was in the fatty area of my upper thigh he wouldn't drain it. I read about iodine and how it heals skin ailments and thought I would try it. It is shrinking slowly. I paint the iodine on it. Sometimes I add comfrey with plastic over it to keep the salve on. Can't wait until it's completely gone.