Turmeric for Hearing Loss

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Barbara (Aiken, South Carolina) on 04/29/2017
5 out of 5 stars

When I saw KT's post, I was gladwilling to try turmeric. I have been taking turmeric capsules off and on because of it's inflammatory properties and had already discovered that it improved my mood. So I began taking two capsules of Turmeric (Curcuma longa) root 1,200 mg five days ago. On the third day, I noticed that I could carry on a conversation with a friend seven or eight feet away sitting on a different piece of furniture and not have to ask her what she said. And she has a European accent! I am continuing the two capsules daily and will report on the outcome. I have had noticeable hearing loss with bad tinnitus for about six years. No injury. I am 67 years old. Thank you, KT!
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KT (Usa) on 04/22/2017
5 out of 5 stars

I was taking turmeric for inflammation after ingesting too much manufactured glutamic acid (MSG). It seemed to open my ears up and I could hear so much better.

It should be noted I had a fractured skull with ruptured eardrums decades ago that reduced my ability to hear well. After ingesting turmeric I don't have to have people keep repeating what they say. Sound is no longer "muffled".

REPLY   14      

KT (Usa) on 10/02/2016
5 out of 5 stars

Dear Sheetal,

I had ruptured eardrums forty-seven years ago and was hard of hearing. I tried using a hearing aid for only a week and did not care for it. In the last several years I discovered turmeric helps me. You could try making a tea with 1/4 tsp. in about 1/2 C warm water two or three times a day. Maybe increase to 1/2 tsp. when you find out how you tolerate it. Because it can be constipating you can sprinkle it on vegetables. It is beneficial to use a little black pepper with it. Wishing you luck. <><