Healing Hearing Loss Naturally: Essential Remedies

Modified on Jan 24, 2024 | Written by Deirdre Layne

Gingko Biloba for Hearing Loss

Natural remedies for hearing loss offer hope and proactive solutions for those experiencing age-related auditory decline, a common challenge among seniors. While many accept hearing loss as an inevitable part of aging, there are various natural strategies and preventative measures that can significantly impact ear health.

Age-related hearing loss typically stems from inner and middle ear changes as we age. Although some degree of auditory decline might be unavoidable due to these natural alterations, it's essential to understand that many aspects of hearing deterioration are preventable.

Several controllable factors contribute to hearing loss. For instance, specific medical conditions and medications are known to affect hearing. Moreover, consistent exposure to loud noise and frequent ear infections can accelerate hearing loss. Recognizing and addressing these factors can be crucial in maintaining and enhancing hearing health for the elderly.

Natural Remedies for Hearing Loss


Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric has shown promise in anecdotal reports for improving hearing loss. Barbara from Aiken, South Carolina, shared with Earth Clinic that after taking 1200 mg turmeric capsules for a few days, she experienced a noticeable improvement in her hearing, even with someone speaking from a distance and with an accent. KT from the USA, who had ruptured eardrums, found relief by drinking turmeric tea or sprinkling it on vegetables, suggesting a dosage of 1/4 to 1/2 tsp. in warm water, two or three times a day.

Note: Adding a little black pepper can enhance turmeric's benefits.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids 

These fatty acids are found in fish oil and may reduce the risk of age-related hearing loss. They help maintain blood flow to the ear and reduce inflammation. Suggested dose: 1,000 to 2,000 mg daily.


This mineral, found in leafy greens and nuts, can protect against noise-induced hearing loss by combating oxidative stress in the inner ear. Suggested dose: 250 to 500 mg daily.


Known for its immune-boosting properties, zinc in pumpkin seeds and legumes may improve tinnitus and overall ear health. Suggested dose: 15 to 30 mg daily.

Ginkgo Biloba 

This herbal supplement might improve blood flow to the ear and has been suggested to relieve tinnitus symptoms. Suggested dose: 120 to 240 mg daily, divided into two or three doses.

Vitamin B12

Often found in meat and dairy products, Vitamin B12 deficiency has been linked to hearing loss. Supplementation may benefit those with a deficiency. Suggested dose: 1,000 to 2,000 mcg daily, preferably in sublingual or liquid form for better absorption.

Antioxidants (Vitamins C, E, and Glutathione) 

These can protect the ear from damage due to free radicals, potentially slowing the progression of hearing loss. Suggested doses: Vitamin C: 500 to 1,000 mg daily, Vitamin E: 200 to 400 IU daily, Glutathione: 500 mg daily.


Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, garlic can help reduce inflammation and improve circulation, potentially benefiting hearing. Suggested dose: 600 to 1,200 mg daily in supplement form or 2 to 3 cloves of fresh garlic.


Some studies suggest that acupuncture can help manage hearing loss symptoms and tinnitus.


In a post by Nature from Portland, Maine, on Earth Clinic, a natural remedy for improving hearing acuity is described. The method involves humming: start humming with your mouth closed, then open your mouth while continuing the sound. The next step is to consciously direct the sound towards the ear that has hearing problems, keeping the open-mouthed humming going and making it louder. If problems exist in both ears, the sound should be moved from one ear to the other. The user reports that this activity, which apparently stimulates the nerves in the ears, has led to a noticeable improvement in their hearing acuity, as evidenced by a reduced need for turning up the TV volume.

This remedy suggests a non-invasive and simple approach to aid hearing, focusing on vocal vibrations and sound direction. While individual results may vary, and this method may depend on the nature of the hearing loss, it presents an interesting natural approach worth exploring for those seeking alternative remedies.


While supplements can offer benefits for hearing health, they are part of a broader approach that includes protecting ears from loud noises, regular check-ups, and a healthy lifestyle. Stay informed and proactive about your hearing health.

Continue reading below to learn which natural remedies have helped our readers with hearing loss and please let us know what helped you!

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List of Remedies for Hearing Loss